Yemen Escalates Economic Battle: Pouring Oil on Fire

As Yemen continues to expand the fourth phase of its escalation, both in intensity and scope, the past week has witnessed a flurry of naval and aerial strikes. In response to mounting economic pressure, the enemies have targeted Yemen’s banking sector, pressuring banks operating in Sana’a to relocate their centers to occupied Aden. Their aim? To coerce Yemen into withdrawing support for Gaza. However, a persistent and forceful response came from the leader of the revolution, Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi, who reaffirmed the commitment to intensify the “Promised Victory” battle. His stern warning to the Saudi aggressors about the consequences of their economic aggression leaves the adversaries with two choices: either expand regional escalation and strike more of their interests and tools, or they can halt the punitive economic measures and acknowledge defeat. Either way, the impact of the Yemeni front in the conflict with the Zionist enemy remains unavoidable.

A Week of Fourth Phase Expansion:

Last week witnessed a significant increase in the quality and quantity of Yemeni military operations in support of Gaza. This surge aligns with the promises made by the revolutionary leader in his recent address. On Friday, Yemen announced 15 operations, targeting 12 ships and two American destroyers. Additionally, an advanced and costly American MQ-9 drone was shot down—the sixth such drone downed in Yemen since November and the tenth since the start of the US-Saudi aggression. These numbers set Yemen apart historically on the global stage, with a substantial lead over other regions where similar drone incidents occurred.

The Armed Forces issued a statement last Wednesday, revealing the targeting of six ships for violating the ban on access to occupied Palestinian ports. This move underscored the determination and impact of the fourth phase of escalation. Notably, alongside the numerical intensity, the strikes demonstrated increased precision. The vessel “Laax” suffered severe damage, resulting in water leakage. French naval images corroborated direct hits in multiple locations.

In his latest weekly address on Thursday, Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi vowed that operations would continue to escalate relentlessly—both in quantity and quality. This means that the coming days will witness further actions reinforcing the equations of the fourth escalation phase. Whether through enforcing the ban on access to Mediterranean ports or punishing companies violating this ban across operational zones, Yemen remains steadfast.

Furthermore, three of the ships targeted last Friday for violating the access ban were affiliated with the Greek company “Eastern Mediterranean Maritime”. This observation indicates Yemen’s precise intelligence on Zionist shipping movements. As companies that ceased transporting goods to occupied ports redirected their cargo to Greece, other shipping companies stepped in at a higher cost. Targeting these vessels diminishes the enemy’s ability to deliver those goods.

The Yemeni front continues to assert its resilience and strategic impact, leaving the adversaries with no escape from the consequences of their actions. As the economic battle rages, Yemen stands firm, unwavering in its commitment to Gaza and its unwritten promise of victory.


Escalating Economic Retaliation: Pouring Oil on the Fire

Amidst this significant escalation, the American adversary has taken aggressive actions targeting Yemen’s economy. For some time now, they have been preparing for this economic escalation, which was set in motion by a decision from the puppet central bank in Aden. The bank demanded that banks operating in Sana’a to relocate their main branches to the occupied city of Aden. The goal? To strike at the financial sector and exacerbate the economic hardships faced by the Yemeni people. This week, the United States intensified the pressure on the Saudi regime and its mercenaries, leading to the suspension of six major banks. Additionally, they declared the withdrawal of the legal currency from the occupied areas, further deepening the financial divide.

In his recent address, the revolutionary leader addressed these aggressive measures led by the United States and implemented by Saudi Arabia. He affirmed that the American escalation aims to dissuade Yemen from its unwavering support for Gaza. However, it will not go unanswered. The leader issued a clear and explicit warning to Saudi Arabia about the consequences of this move, describing it as “pouring oil on the fire” and an “economic aggression.” This message underscores that the step taken by the adversary crosses red lines and defies any considerations of de-escalation.

As the economic battle intensifies, Yemen remains steadfast, sending a persistent message to its adversaries: No red lines will deter our commitment to Gaza, and the fire of the axis of resistance burns brighter than ever.

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