Yemen’s Transport Minister Condemns Economic Escalation by US-Saudi Aggression

Yemen’s acting Transport Minister, Abdulwahab Al-Durra, has condemned the economic escalation by the US-Saudi aggressive coalition, attributing it to Yemen’s honorable stance in supporting their brethren in the Gaza Strip.

During a meeting with representatives of travel agencies operating in Sana’a, Minister Al-Durra pointed out that the Saudi-American-British aggression is working to double the suffering of the Yemeni people through its tools. He clarified that the coalition’s targeting of Salif Port and Sana’a and Hodeidah international airports with several raids is a blatant violation of international laws.

He stated, “The economic blockade, represented in the illegal measures on banks in recent weeks, coincided with the delay and obstruction of June flights to the only destination, Jordan, and the prevention of supplies and reservations at Yemeni offices and travel agencies in the capital, Sana’a, and the free governorates.”

The minister highlighted that the obstacles imposed by the aggressive coalition on Yemen continue by reducing the number of travelers from Sana’a airport, canceling the Cairo destination, and other required destinations. He confirmed that the economic blockade on Yemen has been ongoing since the beginning of the aggression, and only one destination has been implemented from what was approved in the truce.

Minister Al-Durra mentioned that Jordan flights started with two, then three, then six flights from Sana’a International Airport to Queen Alia Jordanian Airport after continuous negotiations and follow-up. He pointed out that the economic conspiracy against the Yemeni people comes within the framework of America and Britain’s attempt to dissuade it from supporting Gaza and backing the Zionist enemy to continue the genocide war against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

The Transport Ministry categorically rejected the decision to cancel supplies and reservations. “We will stand against these arbitrary measures aimed at completely closing Sana’a airport and destroying Yemenia Airways, the national carrier for the Yemeni people,” said the minister.

He indicated that this decision would hit the travel market and companies that have somewhat recovered in the past two years. He confirmed that the illegal measures of the coalition countries are rejected, and necessary actions will be taken against them.

Meanwhile, the acting chairman of the board of Yemenia Airways, Khalil Jahaf, confirmed that the decisions issued by the coalition and those who follow it to transfer sales and block them violate the laws and customs that regulate air transport work.

He pointed out that what is happening to the balances of Yemenia Airways in Sana’a is a process to monitor spending. There is no truth to any claims about confiscation or freezing.

“We have disbursed from the balances of Yemenia Airways approximately 80 million dollars, which covers operating expenses and all dues of the company’s employees in the entire Republic of Yemen without exception,” he said.

In turn, the Deputy of the Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority, Raed Jabal, confirmed that the coalition of aggression opened new accounts to loot the balances of Yemenia Airways. He pointed out that these measures aim to close Sana’a airport and destroy the air transport market.

He explained that the coalition of aggression seeks through these measures to double the suffering of the Yemeni people, and destroy the exhausted and destroyed economy of the country due to its continuous aggression for nine years. He demanded lifting all restrictions on Sana’a airport and opening the field for travel companies to perform their professional role in civil aviation.

The meeting confirmed that the systematic measures by the coalition of aggression through its tools seek to destroy Yemenia Airways and turn it into a tool to besiege the Yemeni people, by limiting its flights to certain airports.

The coalition aggression countries are exploiting Yemenia Airways as a means to plunder the resources of the Yemeni people. Meanwhile, the forces of aggression in Aden are implementing a series of actions that are not only illegal but also contradict the founding principles of the company and the regulations that govern its operations. These actions are characterized by regional bias and discriminatory practices.

A statement issued at the meeting, attended by the Deputy Minister of Transport for the Air Transport Sector, Abdullah Al-Ansi, confirmed that the coalition of aggression destroyed most of the infrastructure of air transport in Yemen, causing severe damage, most notably the total destruction of Taiz and Hodeidah international airports and taking them out of readiness.

It pointed out that the aggression cost the air travel market heavy losses during the period of aggression, and restricted flights to civilian aircraft, especially to and from Sana’a International Airport, and worked to restrict the freedom of travel in front of patients whose conditions require speed of travel for treatment abroad.

It clarified that restricting flights led to depriving students linked to university enrollment dates and expatriates from traveling. It considered these abuses a violation of the Chicago Convention of 1944 and the effective aviation security agreements.

The statement pointed out that the coalition of aggression doubled the suffering of citizens by imposing a stifling siege on air flights, which caused the health situation in Yemen to worsen. It confirmed that hundreds of thousands of critical cases cannot afford to travel from distant airports and require travel through Sana’a International Airport.

It mentioned that the six flights between Sana’a and Jordan do not meet the minimum human needs, which makes the ban imposed on the rest of the destinations a blatant violation of all international covenants and treaties.

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