CIA-Linked Spy Network Uncovered in Yemen: Security Agencies’ Statement

Allah Almighty said: “(47:7) Believers, if you aid Allah, He will come to your aid12 and will plant your feet firmly. (47:8) As to those who disbelieve, perdition lies in store for them13 and Allah has reduced their works to nought.” [Quran, 47: 7-8]. Allah speaks the truth.

With the aid and guidance of Allah, an American-Israeli espionage network was arrested. This network had been playing espionage and subversion roles in both official and unofficial institutions for decades, benefiting the enemy. Its members are directly linked to the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which recruited the main elements of the network, provided them with intelligence training, and equipped them with special technologies and devices. These tools enabled them to carry out their espionage and subversion activities in the Republic of Yemen and facilitated their covert transfer of information to officers of the American and Israeli intelligence agencies.

Members of the American-Israeli spy network and American officers exploited their job titles at the American embassy to carry out espionage and subversion activities, far from the diplomatic norms and the limits and controls imposed by Yemeni laws to regulate the work of embassies.

After the departure of the American embassy from Sana’a in early 2015, the elements of the espionage network continued to implement the same subversive agenda under the cover of international organizations. They raised slogans of humanitarian work to cover up the reality of their espionage and subversion activities.

This great achievement was accomplished with Allah’s aid, and with great efforts and joint cooperation between various security agencies. The operations of monitoring, investigation, and follow-up led to the arrest of the key elements of the American-Israeli espionage network. After collecting information and inferences, other elements of the network were identified in official and unofficial institutions, exposing all the plans and roles carried out by the espionage network. This network differs from those previously revealed in the nature of its work and the level of its influence. Its job was not limited to espionage and subversion activities in a specific field, but rather extended to most aspects of life. Its harm affected the Yemeni citizens in different areas, groups, and fields, with the effects of its subversive acts accumulating over decades. It was the main implementer of the plans of the American-Israeli enemy to annihilate the crops and offspring, to destroy society’s values and morals, to corrupt the state institutions of Yemen, to damage its economy, to plunder its resources, and to obstruct any efforts for reform and change.

Among the network’s most prominent espionage and subversion roles include:

  1. The American-Israeli espionage network collected important information about various security, military, economic, political, health, educational, agricultural, cultural, and social aspects, among others, and reported it to enemy intelligence agencies. Its espionage was not limited to governmental organizations but extended to society and NGOs in the country.
  2. For decades, the American-Israeli espionage network has been able to influence decision-makers, penetrate state authorities, and pass decisions and laws that serve the American-Zionist interests and agendas.
  3. The American-Israeli espionage network worked on recruiting many figures and coordinated visits to the USA, for the purpose of either influencing them or ensnaring them and then recruiting them to work with US intelligence.
  4. The American-Israeli espionage network recruited some economists and owners of oil and commercial companies, linked them to US intelligence, and employed them to implement corrupt and destructive agendas and plans in all Yemeni governorates that serve the interests of the American and Israeli enemies. The network provided the enemy’s intelligence agencies with all information, reports, and confidential studies of all economic sectors, such as the oil, commerce, banking, telecommunication sectors, and others, and monitored economic KPIs in various domains, with the aim of controlling and destabilizing the economy, and ensuring continued plundering of the Yemeni wealth.
  5. The American-Israeli espionage network carried out subversive roles in the agricultural sector and focused on thwarting agricultural research bodies and seed multiplication centers. The network recruited a number of spies in the Ministry of Agriculture and implemented several US plans, the most prominent of which were producing and multiplying agricultural pests, and the attempt to undermine local production by passing policies that thwarted farmers and tempted foreign importing of animal and agricultural products.
  6. The American-Israeli espionage network worked to implement projects and programs in the health field, aimed at destroying the health sector, and contributed to spreading diseases and epidemics in various Yemeni governorates.
  7. The American-Israeli espionage network implemented destructive plans on the educational process with all its components, undermined its purposeful role, and isolated education from construction and development.
  8. The American-Israeli espionage network participated in implementing plans targeting the identity of [Islamic] faith of the Yemeni people, and attacking their authentic values and customs. It also sought to spread vice and depravity, to the extent of managing hotbeds of moral corruption.
  9. The American-Israeli espionage network executed direct technical espionage operations for the enemy’s intelligence, through which it sought to obtain classified information in various governmental organizations and sectors. It also eavesdropped and attempted to gain access to the privacy of the Yemeni society, and used that information for its hostile plans targeting Yemen, both its land and its people.
  10. For decades, the espionage network has provided the US intelligence (CIA) and the Israeli intelligence (Mossad) with military and security information that is highly important, confidential, and sensitive; which led to the weakening of the Yemeni army and its capabilities before the blessed September 21st revolution.
  11. After the victory of the blessed September 21st revolution, and the departure of the US embassy from the capital of Sana’a, the American-Israeli espionage network continued to carry out multiple subversive roles, and the American and Israeli intelligence services collected restricted information about the state’s general budget and the approved plans of the National Salvation Government. The network also sought to uncover the funding sources of the military fronts to intelligence agencies of enemies.
  12. The American-Israeli espionage network ran an intelligence activity for the benefit of the enemy during the American-Saudi aggression against Yemen, which was aimed at the military capabilities manufactured by the Yemeni armed forces. The network worked on reporting [geographical] coordinates, monitoring military movements, strategic capabilities, and theater of operations; and doing everything needed for achieving the enemy’s goals, enabling their occupation of Yemen, and making it a subordinate of American-Israeli hegemony.

In conclusion, we highly praise and thank Allah Almighty for His aid and guidance in accomplishing this achievement. We also value and appreciate the cooperation, vigilance, and awareness of the dear Mujahid people of Yemen, who have been and still are the impenetrable bulwark in the face of all the conspiratorial and subversive projects of the enemies, and we call on all our Yemeni people for more vigilance and awareness.

As the security agencies will be uncovering more details and information in the coming days, they confirm that they are carrying out their responsibility in confronting all conspiratorial projects, relying on Allah Almighty and enlightened by His great guidance, and Truthful is Allah, who said: {They planned, but Allah also planned. And Allah is the best of planners.} [Quran: 8:30] Allah has spoken truly.

Issued by the Security Agencies [of Yemen]
4 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH
10 June 2024

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