A zionist minister calls for the execution of Palestinian detainees by shooting them in the head


Published on June 30, 2024
Ansarollah website – Follow-ups

The Minister of National Security in the Zionist government, Itamar Ben Gvir, called on Sunday for the execution of detainees in Israeli enemy prisons by shooting them in the head.

Ben Gvir said in a video clip: Palestinian detainees should be executed by shooting them in the head.

He demanded that the law on executing detainees be approved in the “Israeli Knesset” for the third reading, and pledged to provide the minimum amount of food to the detainees to keep them alive until the law is passed.

In March 2023, the General Assembly of the “Israeli Knesset” approved in preliminary reading a draft law imposing the death penalty on Palestinian detainees.

Ben Gvir had previously imposed sanctions on Palestinian detainees, causing a state of widespread anger to erupt, and he is known for his extremist positions and criminal terrorist policies.

The Israeli enemy forces are arresting more than 9 thousand Palestinians, including thousands from the Gaza Strip who have been arrested since last October 7.

During this period, crimes against detainees have escalated, including killing them under torture, as there is talk of the martyrdom of at least 54 detainees, the majority of whom are from the Gaza Strip.


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