Yemen Aims to Encircle Israel with a Ring of Fire and Drown It: Makor Rishon

The Hebrew media continues to affirm the growing concern within the Zionist entity regarding the announcement of the start of the fifth phase of escalation and the anticipated Yemeni response to the targeting of Hodeidah Governorate. An Israeli newspaper stated that the Yemeni Armed Forces will seek in the next phase to establish what it described as a “ring of fire” around the occupying entity and drown it through coordination with the Axis of Resistance and by intensifying the maritime blockade.

On Sunday, the Hebrew newspaper “Makor Rishon” published a report attempting to outline the features of the fifth phase of escalation, questioning: “What is Yemen planning for us after the (Yafa) plane that landed in the heart of Tel Aviv last week? And what can be done against them even without going to the shores of Yemen? They announced this week that following the aggressive Israeli army’s attack on the port of Al-Hodeidah, the conflict has entered its fifth phase. What is this phase? And what will the sixth and seventh phases look like?” The newspaper considered that “there is no great benefit in trying to decipher what lies behind these eloquent words, and it is better to focus on the very clear trends in the field.”

According to the newspaper, the main direction in the Yemeni escalation against the Zionist entity is “coordination, connection, and cooperation” with the Axis of Resistance to “enhance capabilities and implement what is known as the ring of fire around Israel,” as the newspaper expressed.

The second direction, the newspaper said, is “expanding the maritime blockade from the Red Sea region to the Mediterranean Sea and covering the entire area with fire and missiles.”

By linking these two directions, the newspaper added, Yemen aims to encircle “Israel” with a ring of fire and drown it.

The newspaper pointed out that “the direction of coordination has been evident in the field for several weeks,” reminding of the announcement by the leader of the revolution, Sayyid Abdul Malik, in a previous speech about the course of joint operations with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq. The newspaper stated that the desire for this coordination “comes from both sides.”

The Hebrew Channel 14 revealed on Saturday that the security and defense establishment within the enemy entity is anticipating a “major Yemeni response” to the targeting of Al-Hodeidah, and that it is coordinating with what it described as “allies in the region” to face this response.

The Zionist entity has been experiencing widespread alert since the attack on Al-Hodeidah, with many Hebrew media outlets revealing that the security establishment does not underestimate the danger posed by Yemen and the armed forces.

The Zionist Foreign Minister admitted this week that the attack on Al-Hodeidah will not deter the Yemenis, and that the Yemeni attacks on the occupying entity will continue. He also acknowledged the difficulty of direct engagement with Yemen due to the distance and said: “Israel prefers the United States to lead this war.”

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