Sayyid Al-Houthi: We Targeted 177 Ships; Regional War Not in Israel’s Interest

Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi, the leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement, addressed recent developments in Palestine, emphasizing that the expansion of the conflict into a regional war, or even something less severe, is not in favor of Israel. He stated that Israel’s attempts to broaden the scope of the conflict would ultimately serve the Palestinian cause, highlighting that Israel’s strategy has long relied on isolating and attempting to annihilate the Palestinian people.

Al-Houthi noted that Israel has not succeeded in achieving its objectives thus far, and predicted that its losses and failures will only increase in the future, by the will of Allah. He stressed that as the situation becomes more widespread, Israel becomes more distracted, living in a state of fear and anxiety, as evidenced by its current pleas for help from the United States and its so-called “partners.”

The leader pointed out that certain entities are facilitating Israel by opening their airspace to it, and providing economic, media, and political support, while negatively responding to any actions in support of the Palestinian people. Recalling that the U.S. presents the positions of some Arab nations as part of a “partnership” to protect Israel, disregarding Arab agreements and Islamic and national commitments. Sayyid Al-Houthi added that Israel itself views some Arab regimes as partners in its protection.

He emphasized that Israel is in a state of panic and deep anxiety, with its recent actions reflecting its significant fear. He noted that Hezbollah’s operations, including missile strikes, drone attacks, and penetrations, have had a profound impact on Israel, with Israeli circles now viewing Hezbollah’s strikes as an unprecedented strategic challenge to Israel.

In the same context, Sayyid al-Houthi confirmed that operations on the Iraqi front continue as part of the broader support efforts.

The Targeting of 177 Ships

Addressing Yemen’s military operations in support of Gaza, Sayyid al-Houthi revealed that the Yemeni support front carried out operations this week involving 16 ballistic missiles and drones. These included notable actions such as targeting two American destroyers and downing an MQ-9 drone. He added that the total number of ships targeted by the Yemeni support front had reached 177.

Sayyid al-Houthi said, “With the reduced movement of ships linked to the U.S. and Britain, or those carrying goods for Israel, hunting down anything passing through the seas has become rare. The decreased maritime activity, which the enemy once exploited, is a significant victory for our Yemeni armed forces and the Yemeni support front.”

Impact of Yemeni Operations

Sayyid al-Houthi underscored that the enemy is in a dire situation, with the Yemeni support front’s operations severely disrupting maritime activities linked to Israel. He mentioned that one of the clear and direct outcomes of these operations was the bankruptcy of the port of Um Rashrash (Eilat), with media reports showing that the port had completely ceased any activity.

He stated that following the significant victory in halting maritime activities favoring Israel in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Gulf of Aden, the scope of Yemen’s military operations has now extended far, with most operations now targeting areas in the Indian Ocean over 1,000 kilometers away, the Mediterranean Sea, and deep into occupied Palestine, more than 2,000 kilometers away.

Overcoming Western Technologies

Sayyid al-Houthi highlighted the vast scope of the battle being waged by the Yemeni support front, affirming that Yemeni forces have significant control over the situation, especially in preventing enemy maritime activities and targeting enemy-linked ships. He pointed out that the nature of the battle is large and intense, as it depends on developing technologies, capabilities, and gathering intelligence to strike moving targets.

He lamented that several layers of protection are being activated to safeguard Israel, unfortunately including efforts from Arab states, which are actively working to intercept and disrupt operations with a surprising level of dedication. Some Arab states, he added, are trying to prevent anything from reaching Israel as if they were defending themselves, effectively becoming fortifications for Israel.

Sayyid al-Houthi noted that in developing military capabilities and technologies, Yemen needs to overcome the challenges posed by five major entities, led by the United States and certain Arab regimes, followed by Israel. He emphasized that these challenges only push further development, ensuring the incapability to provide Israel with security.

He concluded by stating, “By the grace of Allah, we are making significant advancements in developing our army’s capabilities to confront these challenges. Despite the complexities and obstacles, we will ultimately surpass the technologies and tactics relied upon by our enemies, and they are aware of this reality.”

Mass Public Demonstrations

Sayyid al-Houthi also touched on the ongoing public activities, stating that these demonstrations and weekly rallies continue in response to developments. He highlighted that the continuous mass turnout in response to the Israeli crimes targeting the martyrs of our Ummah is unprecedented in history and will remain a proud and honorable page for the Yemeni people.

He emphasized that the Palestinian people and its esteemed fighters are engaged in these mass rallies, feeling true genuine support. He added that the Yemeni people remain steadfast in their demonstrations and many other activities, including military mobilization. He pointed out that the Yemeni people have not ceased their weekly protests, while demonstrations continue in even non-Muslim European countries. Sayyid al-Houthi praised the ongoing protests in Morocco, despite the Moroccan regime’s allegiance to Israel, its poor stance, and its normalization with the Israeli enemy.

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