Sayyid al-Houthi: Israeli Attacks on Hezbollah Will Not Deter Its Stance

Frequent and continuous missile strikes on Yaffa aim for even greater accomplishments

Today, on Saturday, Sayyid al-Houthi delivered a speech commemorating the 10th anniversary of the September 21 Revolution, addressing the latest developments in Palestine. In the speech, he highlighted the achievements of the revolution and touched on the Israeli aggression against Hezbollah, as well as Yemen’s position regarding the Israeli aggression on Gaza.

Sayyid al-Houthi clarified that Yemen’s stance on the Palestinian cause is one of honor, pleasing to Allah, His Messenger, and all of humanity. He emphasized that actions across all fields show Yemen’s distinct support for Palestine. He warned that the continued crimes of the Zionist enemy place a significant responsibility on the Islamic nation, and neglecting this responsibility will have severe consequences. He added, “There will come days revealing how dangerous the negligence toward the Palestinian people was, and it will serve as a lesson for those who failed their duties and those who waited on the sidelines.”

Sayyid al-Houthi pointed out that Israeli crimes in Lebanon aimed at mass targeting civilians to commit genocide against thousands of Lebanese. He explained that Israel’s planting of explosives devices was intended to kill as many people as possible with audacity and aggression. This brutal and savage aggression, he added, proves daily with each crime that Israel is an enemy that can only be dealt with by eliminating it. “The Israeli enemy poses a real threat to human societies as a whole,” he stated.

He affirmed that Hezbollah’s battle in Lebanon, alongside the al-Qassam Brigades, Saraya al-Quds, and other factions, is a united front against a common enemy—the Israeli adversary and its allies. Despite the challenges faced by the resistance forces in Palestine and Lebanon over the years, they have overcome these trials with Allah’s help and support.

 Responsibility in Facing the Enemy

Sayyid al-Houthi reiterated the responsibility to act against the Israeli enemy, warning that its brutality and criminality are a threat to all. He described Israel’s crime of targeting Hezbollah fighters and civilians as a dangerous escalation and a heinous act of aggression.

He elaborated on Hezbollah’s significant role in supporting the Palestinian people and the resistance fighters in Gaza, noting that the Israeli enemy cannot ignore Hezbollah’s impact, as it continues to punish the Israeli enemy in northern occupied Palestine daily. He emphasized that Hezbollah has contributed to the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of usurper settlers from the northern settlements in Palestine.

He added, “Hezbollah remains steadfast in its stance, supporting the Palestinian people and Gaza fighters. No matter the extent of Israeli aggression, Hezbollah will not be deterred or forced to retreat. Its unwavering stance is clear and has been repeatedly declared in the speeches of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, may Allah protect him.”

Sayyid al-Houthi also warned that even if Israel succeeds in its battle against Gaza, it still poses a threat to Lebanon and the Lebanese people. He explained that Israel was only expelled from occupied Lebanese lands through jihad and resistance, and Hezbollah’s effective and critical role would bear fruit, despite Israeli aggression.

The Resilience of Jihad in Lebanon

He reiterated that Hezbollah remains a cohesive force, with a resilient and sacrificial community. The ongoing battle with Israel is not new for Hezbollah, its leaders, or its followers. Hezbollah has been engaged in a heated confrontation with Israel for decades, making substantial sacrifices over time, yet remains strong and grows in military and organizational capabilities.

Sayyid al-Houthi praised the steadfastness of the resistance fighters in Palestine, noting their resilience and growing numbers despite the crimes and vile brutality of the Israeli enemy. He assured that Israel will not achieve its goals in Palestine, Lebanon, or any other support fronts.

He emphasized that the continuous Jihad and Resistance action, despite all the military power possessed by the enemy, continues to have a profound impact on Israel and its future ambitions. He added that the mujahideen in Lebanon, Palestine, and throughout the Islamic nation believe in the inevitable collapse of Israel, describing it as a temporary entity.

Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badrualdeen al-Houthi affirmed that Israel, with all its brutality, criminality, corruption, and threat to human society, cannot continue to exist.

Yemen’s Steadfast Stance

Regarding Yemen’s role in the support front, Sayyid al-Houthi affirmed that Yemen remains firmly and unwaveringly committed to supporting the Palestinian people and standing by the Islamic nation. Yemen stands in solidarity with Hezbollah in Lebanon and all free nations.

He also revealed that last week’s missile strike on occupied Yaffa was a major and impactful operation that shook the enemy. The missile penetrated all of the enemy’s defense systems, marking a significant achievement by the grace of Allah, in line with the fifth phase’s requirements.

He disclosed that this type of missile strike will continue, as Yemen strives for even greater accomplishments. He further noted the importance of the recent downing of the American MQ-9 reconnaissance drone, which represents a significant achievement in confronting the enemies.

Sayyid al-Houthi added that mobilization activities remain one of the most important ongoing efforts, and the large military parades witnessed today will continue in the coming days, by Allah’s will. He revealed that nearly half a million individuals have enrolled in training, with hundreds of thousands already having completed military training.

He concluded by mentioning the continued million-man marches every week, and the ongoing activities commemorating the 10th anniversary of the September 21 Revolution. He emphasized that these activities, which are in solidarity with the Palestinian people, will culminate in a large-scale million-man march at the end of the week, this Friday.

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