The September 21 Revolution: Breaking Free from Western Domination

The September 21 Revolution, launched ten years ago, stands out in Yemen’s history, locally and globally, due to its deep-rooted connection with the Yemeni people. It was born from the collective consciousness of the Yemeni population, driven by a desire for change and liberation from external dependency and foreign guardianship. For years, Yemen’s independence was suppressed, preventing its citizens from building a sovereign state that could serve the well-being of its people and provide protection from external oppression.


 Faith-Driven Leadership

Over the past decade, the September 21 Revolution met the essential requirements of a genuine uprising. Under a faithful leadership guided by a Quranic vision. The revolution reflected the faith-based identity of a great people, as demonstrated throughout its ten-year journey. This was emphasized in a speech by Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badruldeen al-Houthi, commemorating the revolution’s tenth anniversary. He affirmed that the revolution was made by the decision of the Yemeni people, driven by their aspirations and goals and that all activities within the revolution were purely Yemeni without any external influence or intervention. The outcomes of the revolution are of immense significance, with effects that will, by Allah’s will, meet the hopes of the Yemeni people.

Sayyid al-Houthi highlighted the resilience of the Yemeni people who maintained their achievements over the past ten years, overcoming significant challenges. He emphasized that the greatest failure in this revolution has been for the opposition, particularly the United States and Israel, as they have lost their direct control over Yemen. He further stressed that the Americans are the primary losers due to their imperialistic ambitions to dominate Yemen and exploit its resources. The Israelis also view the revolution as an even greater threat than Iran’s nuclear program.

Independence and Freedom

During this period, the September 21 Revolution has finally put an end to years of foreign dominance and dependency on external guardianship. It succeeded in toppling a regime that relied on the support of regional and international powers, declaring the independence of Yemen’s decision-making and the assertion of its national sovereignty.

This was further revealed from the confessions of an American-Israeli espionage network, captured by security forces in Sana’a. The network’s admissions exposed how external guardianship infiltrated various military, economic, political, educational, and cultural sectors, deeply embedding itself in the ruling structures. It turned Yemen into a country stripped of its decision-making power and robbed of its wealth, alienating it from its Islamic identity and history. This left Yemen at the bottom in terms of economic, military, and political strength, detaching it from its Arab and Islamic roots.

A careful examination of these confessions shows the depths of the decline Yemen faced in all aspects of life. The U.S. and Israeli influence spread through their agents, only for the September 21 Revolution, grounded in the Quranic vision, to halt this descent and restore Yemen’s historical position in a remarkably short time, despite the ongoing aggressive war and brutal siege.

Sayyid al-Houthi has repeatedly stressed that the sacred goal of the revolution is true freedom and genuine independence. Before the revolution, the U.S. ambassador in Sana’a held significant sway over all official institutions and was the ultimate decision-maker, dictating commands in all fields. Once the ambassador lost control, he fled Yemen, taking with him the Marines who had a base adjacent to the U.S. embassy in Sana’a. After the revolution, these networks were exposed, and their hidden influence has been gradually diminishing.

Steadfast Positions

Over the last ten years, the September 21 Revolution has left its mark on both the domestic and international fronts. Yemen now enjoys the freedom to make decisions necessary for building a strong military, economy, and political framework while maintaining its faith-based identity. This is evident in all of its local and international stances.

On the domestic front, Yemen has moved forward with a unified internal front, supporting a leadership grounded in faith and the powerful Quranic order. It has started to restore its faith-based identity, solidifying it through its resistance against aggression and the blockade. By Allah’s Grace, Yemen has achieved a historic victory over the forces of aggression, rebuilding its state institutions and creating a strong military equipped with advanced weaponry to protect its people and homeland. Bit by bit, the state institutions have been rebuilt, with significant changes emerging across all sectors.

Externally, Yemen’s positions have remained steadfast regarding Arab and Islamic causes, particularly the Palestinian cause. Yemen has provided remarkable political, economic, and military support to the Palestinian resistance, despite its limited resources. This support has stunned the world as a humanitarian, Arab, and Islamic stance.


A Witness to the Era

One notable testimony came from renowned journalist and analyst Abdel Bari Atwan, who, in a March article, expressed his admiration for Yemen’s unwavering support for the Palestinian cause. Atwan stated, “When Arabs and Muslims adopt the policy of strength as the only solution to confront the American project, prioritizing the defeat of one of its foremost bases in occupied Palestine, in following the honorable Yemeni model, the anticipated revival will surely come.”

He further added, “Two main factors will transform the region: the resistance’s victory and steadfastness in Gaza, and the Yemeni military, moral, and ideological support for this victory, utilizing every drop of Yemeni blood to serve this cause.”

Atwan concluded by expressing his hope that this courageous Yemeni national spirit would spread to neighboring Arab countries and beyond, including the nations misled by normalization and those standing idly by. He envisioned that a long-awaited awakening would emerge from the ruins of destruction, sacrifice, and hunger in Gaza.


The September 21 Revolution marked a significant turning point in Yemen’s history. It distinguished itself from previous revolutions through its deep connection with the people and their rejection of external guardianship. This revolution responded to the Yemeni people’s desire to break free from foreign dominance and restore the country’s true freedom and sovereignty.

It successfully ended an era of Yemen’s subjugation to regional and international powers, declaring the independence of Yemeni decision-making. The revolution exposed the deep-rooted foreign influence that had infiltrated Yemen’s governance structures, halting this control and restoring Yemen’s historical and Islamic identity.

In the ten years since the revolution, Yemen has preserved its independence, developed defensive capabilities, and taken a firm stance on Arab and Islamic causes. The revolution has become an inspiring model for other nations in the region seeking to free themselves from foreign dependency.

Therefore, the September 21 Revolution is a historical event that liberated Yemen from foreign intervention and strengthened its faith-based identity, making it a model for others to follow.

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