Yemen Stands Firm for Palestine and Lebanon Amid the Defiant Al-Aqsa Flood Battle

With unyielding courage and determination, Yemenis from all walks of life have united under the wise and sincere leadership in steadfast support of the heroic battle waged by the Palestinian resistance, known as the “al-Aqsa Flood,” which began on October 7, 2023. As the one-year anniversary of this uprising approaches, Yemen’s role in shaping unprecedented changes in the region and rewriting the history of the Zionist occupation is undeniable. Yemen’s unwavering support for the Palestinian people and their resistance has been marked by actions that have caught both the enemy and its backers by surprise.


Yemen’s revolutionary stance has delivered painful blows deep within the Zionist entity, marking a significant and qualitative leap in the dynamics of the battle. Moreover, massive solidarity marches—the largest across the Arab and Islamic world—have echoed Yemen’s strong commitment to justice the Palestinian cause.

Yemen’s solidarity has been demonstrated through decisive actions, not mere words. Ballistic missiles and drones have traveled thousands of miles to strike at the heart of Zionist cities and settlements. Bold and expansive naval operations have targeted ships heading to occupied ports, while others belonging to the entity’s supporters have been set ablaze and sunk.

As the Zionist regime faces an unparalleled state of security and strategic instability, grappling with an existential crisis, Yemen’s continued retaliatory operations reaffirm its unwavering commitment to the al-Aqsa Flood battle. This battle successfully unified resistance fronts in Palestine and across the region, establishing a well-coordinated, high-level military and operational framework that has reshaped the conflict.

Despite the severe wounds inflicted by the ongoing Saudi-American aggression, which has devastated living conditions, Yemenis have recognized that this struggle is part of a larger defense of the entire Muslim nation. They have placed themselves at the forefront of those supporting their Palestinian brothers, organizing weekly mass rallies that passionately call for the liberation of occupied lands and mobilizing the nation toward jihad.

In the 366 days since the launch of the al-Aqsa Flood operation, Yemen has demonstrated extraordinary resolve through actions that have disrupted the calculations of an occupying power that continues to sow discord in the region while working to eliminate the Palestinian cause through military and “security pacts” designed to secure its dominance.

Over the course of 12 months of relentless aggression—marked by more than 150,000 airstrikes and the deployment of four military divisions into Gaza—the Palestinian resistance has remained steadfast. It has maintained its strength and continued its operations, dealing significant blows to the Zionist army, killing thousands of soldiers, and destroying entire convoys of vehicles and tanks.

Sayyid Abdulmalik Badruldeen al-Houthi, leader of the Yemeni revolution, underscored Yemen’s role in supporting Gaza, confirming that Yemen carried out operations in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Indian Ocean, targeting a total of 193 ships. He emphasized that the Yaffa operation, in particular, was a heroic action that shook the Israeli regime to its core.

In a recent acknowledgment of Yemen’s military capabilities, the European Coalition for the Protection of Israeli Navigation admitted that Yemeni forces have significantly advanced their naval tactics. They noted that Sana’a’s decision to warn shipowners to avoid heading toward Israeli ports marked the beginning of a new escalation in the Red Sea.

On land and sea, Yemenis have placed their full weight behind the oppressed, determined to thwart the Zionist entity’s destructive ambitions. The attacks on American and British vessels in the Red and Arabian seas stand as a clear testament to Yemen’s resolve and solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

Political and military analysts agree that Yemen’s strategic military actions have delivered a severe blow to American interests in the region, weakening its presence in the Red and Arabian seas. These actions have also foiled U.S. attempts to internationalize these waterways by forming a global force to protect them, as Yemen’s operations have left coalitios protecting Israeli ships in disarray.

Since the outbreak of the al-Aqsa Flood battle, and in response to the Zionist regime’s increasing crimes in Gaza—violating all international laws and values—Yemenis have intensified their solidarity with the Palestinian people. Massive rallies, mobilization campaigns, and military recruitment efforts have surged, all in preparation for the ultimate jihad to liberate Palestine by Allah’s will.

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