Hezbollah Deals Heavy Blow to the Enemy: 94 Zionists Killed and Wounded in Precision Strikes

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, _with Allah’s support- continues its operations against Zionist soldiers and equipment, this Sunday, targeting military bases and the borders with occupied Palestine.

The most devastating operation against the Zionist enemy was carried out by the resistance this evening as part of the Khaybar series of operations. In response to Zionist aggressions, particularly on the Noueiri and Basta neighborhoods in Beirut and other Lebanese areas. In response to the massacres committed by the Zionist enemy, and following the call of “At Your Service, Nasrallah,” the Islamic Resistance launched a swarm of explosive drones targeting a training camp for the “Golani” brigade in “Binyamina”, south of occupied Haifa. The resistance reaffirmed that it “remains ready to defend Lebanon and its oppressed people, and will not hesitate to fulfill its duty to deter the enemy. Allah is capable of all things.”

Within the Zionist entity, anxiety levels have risen from concern over a “difficult event” to the hardest situation yet. The enemy’s army radio announced the death of at least three Israelis, while the newspaper Israel Hayom reported that “Magen David Adom” confirmed that 67 people were injured in the drone attack on the military base in Binyamina. Yedioth Ahronoth also confirmed that 67 Zionists were affected in the operation in Wadi Ara, with enemy media describing the enemy forces ‘ dining rooms as “death traps.” They acknowledged, “We are facing the hardest event since the start of the war.”

The enemy’s media added that Hezbollah attacked the troops while having a meal at the base, knowing exactly when and where to hit. Dining halls have now become deadly traps for the Zionist army.

Other Zionist media sources confirmed that more than 110 soldiers were injured since the early morning hours in the northern sector. Reports also confirmed that 27 soldiers were wounded in ground confrontations with Hezbollah.

The military correspondent of the Hebrew website Walla stated that “Air Force officials need to put their pride aside and explain to the public what happened last night with the drone infiltration and why there was no warning.” Enemy media relayed complaints from settlers who said they heard no warning before the explosion, and that the drone launched a missile at the base before exploding inside it, dispatching 50 ambulances to the south of Haifa.


Casualties among the enemy in ground battles were revealed by enemy media. Kan channel confirmed that 25 Zionist soldiers were injured in three separate security incidents along the Lebanese border since the morning. Channel 12 reported that the number of injured soldiers rose to 27, stating that the soldiers were injured in direct clashes with Hezbollah and by anti-tank missiles. Nahariya Galilee Medical Center confirmed receiving 17 Zionist soldiers injured in battles along the northern border with Lebanon.

Israel Hayom reported comments from the father of one of the wounded soldiers from the drone explosion south of Haifa, stating: “My son is conscious but suffered a head injury and doesn’t remember anything.”


The Destruction of Enemy Forces

In ground battles with enemy soldiers, Hezbollah fighters maintained superiority, with Allah’s help, launching a variety of attacks ranging from strategic ambushes to direct confrontations and repelling enemy infiltration attempts on multiple fronts.

In the western sector of Ayta ash Shab, a group of Islamic Resistance fighters attacked the forces, engaging in intense clashes with machine guns, rocket launchers, and artillery, inflicting casualties on the enemy in both lives and equipment.

Near Meiss El Jaba, the Zionist enemy faced another challenging situation. A unit of Zionist troops attempted to infiltrate the area. The vigilant resistance fighters detected their movements, and with precise control over the battle, executed a well-planned ambush, bombarding the enemy with rocket-propelled grenades and machine gun fire. Fierce clashes ensued at close range, leaving the enemy soldiers dead or wounded, forcing the remaining forces to retreat.

Similar misfortunes befell other infiltrating Zionist forces. In the town of Ramiyeh, an Israeli force attempted to infiltrate but was confronted by resistance fighters who detonated an explosive device and engaged them, causing further casualties. Another Zionist force tried to infiltrate the Nall al-Madwar area of Ramiyeh, only to be ambushed again with explosive devices and gunfire, suffering more losses.

Supporting the steadfast Palestinian people in Gaza and standing in defense of Lebanon, Hezbollah fighters also engaged an Israeli infantry force attempting to infiltrate the Kanaan hill in Blida. Resistance fighters clashed with the enemy at point-blank range, causing significant enemy losses. Another infiltration attempt in the southern part of the town of Qouzah resulted in heavy casualties for the Zionist enemy, with both material and human losses.

Enemy vehicles were also targeted. The resistance successfully struck a tank south of Qouzah with an anti-tank missile, setting it ablaze and killing or wounding the enemy. A second armored vehicle was also destroyed near Ramiyeh with Allah’s support.


27 Strikes

Today, Hezbollah executed 24 missile strikes, targeting enemy vehicles and gathering points in Khallat Warda, the vicinity of the Shumaira barracks, Misgav Am outpost, the Kanaan hill in Bliydah, the Kiryat settlement, Tsourit Hill (west of Karmiel), the Zar’it barracks, Hibbushit outpost, the Zar’it barracks, the Shumaira settlement, the Zibdin barracks in occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms, Maroun al-Ras town, an enemy artillery post in Mi’ilya, the Manara settlement, around Ramiyeh, Tel Sha’ar outpost, the Manara settlement, near the Fatima Gate in Kfarkila, and the Hounin barracks.

In a separate aerial assault, the resistance launched an explosive drone strike on an Israeli force gathering in the Zar’it barracks, hitting their targets with precision. They also fired a rocket salvo at the Tsinobar logistics base in the occupied Golan Heights.

Earlier today, Hezbollah launched a precision missile salvo at the Tirat

Carmel base south of Haifa and followed it up in the evening with another missile barrage on the maintenance and rehabilitation center (7200) south of Haifa.



With the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon inflicting heavy losses against the criminal entity, along the border with occupied Palestine and the enemy failing to make progress, suffering mounting casualties, Hezbollah continues to execute precise strikes deep within enemy territory. The resistance’s ability to absorb attacks and return to the battlefield stronger than ever indicates that the Zionist entity is facing its most severe crisis yet, with signs pointing to an even deeper deterioration in the coming days.

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