The United States: A Key Partner in the Aggression on Gaza

The United States plays a pivotal role in the Zionist aggression on Gaza, acting as the primary financier of the Zionist entity since its inception. Following the decline of British and Western influence, America has been at the center of the tragedy, supplying vast quantities of weapons to the Zionist enemy.

Over the past year of aggression on Gaza, America’s war machine has shown its cooperation with the Zionists by establishing an air and sea bridge to supply them with lethal tools of war. Hundreds of giant cargo planes and dozens of ships have transported tens of thousands of tons of deadly weapons. From the first day of the aggression, the U.S. rushed to provide $2 billion, along with over 100 arms deals in the first three months, becoming a partner in the massacre.

Since October 2023, the U.S. has shipped tens of thousands of tons of weapons to support the entity’s genocidal operations. It has used its veto power in the UN Security Council five times, pressured Arab and Islamic countries into neutrality, suppressed student protests in American universities with brutality, and adopted the Zionist logic in negotiations. The U.S. has directly participated in the siege of Gaza, providing Israel with unlimited support as if the battle in Gaza was its own. As President Biden stated, “If Israel didn’t exist in the region, we would create it.”

The U.S. partnership with the Zionist enemy is not just military support but an expression of a policy that funds and nurtures terrorism and extremism, while Palestinian rights are violated without mercy.


Unlimited Support

In the hours following October 7, the U.S. opened its weapons depots, deployed military units in the region, including the USS Gerald Ford aircraft carrier, provided political cover, and promoted lies. The U.S. made its intentions clear: escalating military support even in the darkest times.

Through naval routes, more ships and forces arrived, and preparations for emergency deployment became inevitable. While the Zionist enemy prepared for a ground attack on Gaza, the plans were drawn up on Biden’s and Congress’ tables, leading to an additional $2 billion in aid—money that comes at the cost of lives lost.

The pathetic term “deterring hostilities” was used by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin as Israel’s army prepared to escalate its oppressive tools. F-35 fighter jets arrived, completing the military buildup with new bombers while the world watched and ignored the mounting humanitarian disaster.

As the death toll in Gaza rises, Biden continues urging Congress to increase military aid. “Aid for Israel and Ukraine” has become a political phrase used to justify occupation and killing, as if innocent blood were a commodity for major powers to expand their influence.

Under the media spotlight, protesters gathered for Palestinian rights, but is their voice enough to counter American hypocrisy? Military deals continue to fuel hatred, while Gaza’s civilians remain trapped between bombing and poverty.

The events in Gaza represent a sharp turning point in understanding sovereignty and human rights. It is hypocrisy and deception, with slogans of freedom being raised while the rights of entire nations are trampled. Victory for justice requires a collective awareness that rejects falsehood and demands fairness. The voice of truth from Gaza still cries out, hoping to find resonance in the hearts of those who believe humanity must rise above politics.


Deals of Death

Amid the military escalation in Gaza, the U.S. significantly increased its support for Israel. Massive military reinforcements and financial assistance were sent to maintain Israeli security.

In October 2023, fierce battles between the Palestinian resistance and the Zionist enemy prompted unprecedented U.S. military support for Israel. After October 10, the U.S. bolstered its military presence in the Mediterranean by sending an aircraft carrier and another strike group to the region. Many aircraft were moved to U.S. bases in the Middle East. At the same time, U.S. special forces cooperated with the entity’s army in planning and intelligence operations.

On October 12, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken reaffirmed unwavering U.S. support for Israel’s security during a press conference with “Prime Minister” Benjamin Netanyahu. On October 14, Defense Secretary Austin announced the deployment of a second aircraft carrier to the Eastern Mediterranean to bolster deterrence against any threats related to the war. By October 17, five shipments of American weapons and equipment had arrived in occupied Palestine, and about 2,000 U.S. troops were placed on high alert. On October 19, Biden continued pressing Congress for increased military aid to the entity. Continuing in this manner, U.S. support for the Zionist enemy remained unabated throughout the entire year.”

The Washington Post reported: “After a year of war on Gaza, “Israel” has received more U.S. military aid than any country since World War II, exceeding $17 billion by some estimates.” The Biden administration had deployed the U.S. military from the outset to directly supporting the entity, including sending the THAAD system and 100 American troops to protect the entity from ballistic missiles.

A study from Brown University estimated that U.S. military aid to the Zionist enemy since October 7 exceeded $17.9 billion. This figure includes long-term commitments and emergency spending, including weapons sales, military funding, and at least $4.4 billion in transfers from U.S. stockpiles. Additional U.S. operations in the Middle East since last October cost an estimated $4.86 billion, according to the same study.

Although many details of military exports remain undisclosed, some sales of military equipment were publicly announced at the end of 2023. The White House approved sales of nearly 14,000 tank shells and equipment to the occupation worth $106.5 million, along with 155mm artillery shells and related equipment valued at $147.5 million.

By August 2024, the Biden administration had approved additional arms sales to Israel worth $20 billion, including tactical vehicles, 50,000 mortar shells scheduled for its handover to begin in 2026, tank shells beginning in 2027, and around 50 F-15 fighter jets starting in 2029.


American Military Intelligence

As 2024 progresses, U.S. support for the entity remains steadfast. As U.S. officials state they have not seen any” Israeli” actions warranting a change in approach. On January 4, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby stated that the U.S. had not witnessed any new Israeli actions that would prompt a review of its policy. Thus, support continued strongly.

On January 18, a State Department spokesperson reiterated the U.S. commitment to the so-called “Israel’s security”.

Additionally, the CIA established a new task force to provide intelligence to the Zionist entity on Hamas leaders, reflecting the growing criminal cooperation between the U.S. and Israel during this critical phase.

These developments underscore the seamless integration of U.S. military and diplomatic support for the Zionist enemy, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and illustrating the far-reaching disasters of U.S. foreign policy on the region.


Military Support Packages Increase Death Tolls in Gaza

Reports from the Congressional Research Service, the specialized agency providing information to members of Congress, reveal that the Biden administration has accelerated military and security assistance to the occupation since October 7. The aid includes the following elements:

  • Small-diameter bombs (weighing 250 pounds)
  • Interceptor missiles to replenish Israel’s Iron Dome system (for short-range defense against rockets, mortars, and artillery)
  • Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) kits that convert unguided bombs into satellite-guided munitions
  • 155mm artillery shells
  • 14,000 Mk-84 bombs (2,000-pound bombs)
  • 6,500 bombs of the same type (500-pound bombs)
  • 3,000 Hellfire precision-guided air-to-ground missiles
  • 1,000 bunker-busting bombs
  • 2,600 small-diameter bombs delivered by air

The death toll in Gaza continues to rise, exacerbated by this unrelenting military aid that keeps flowing despite international outcry and the staggering humanitarian crisis.

In conclusion, The situation in Gaza is not just a recurring conflict, but rather a blatant and direct crime of genocide. The unceasing U.S. support for the entity, financially and militarily, poses a grave question for humanity: How long will this tragedy persist? How long will the United States champion the cause of freedom while sowing destruction and chaos in Palestine?

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