Aggression Crimes

Reuters: Dengue Fever Kills People of Hodeidah

The US-Saudi aggression has complicated efforts to fight the world’s fastest-spreading mosquito-borne virus, wrecked Yemen’s health system and public sanitation, and made an impoverished and displaced population more vulnerable to the…

Aggression warplanes launch a series of raids on al-Jawf

The US-Saudi aggression warplanes, on Sunday, waged eight airstrikes on al-Jawf province, a security source said. The airstrikes were waged on Aqaba area in Khob Washaef districts, the source added. As well as the aggression warplane…

Hundreds dead as Flu outbreaks in Yemen

The World Health Organization (WHO) sought to allay fears about the presence of swine flu in Yemen after the war-torn country’s health authorities said a growing outbreak had claimed more than 270 lives in three months. The health…

New raids of the aggression on Sana’a

Today, the brutal American-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition jets launched a series of raids on separate areas of Sana'a province.  The aggression aircraft targeted Nehm district with three raids and Al-Aroush area in the…