تصفح الوسم


Saudi Arabia Looks for Ways to Stop Economic Bleeding

Sales of Saudi crude have reached practically zero. Saudi oil tankers are lost in the open sea, including the world's largest Saudi tanker, "Super Tank," without a final destination. More than 40 million barrels of Saudi oil are stored at…

Report: UAE’s Desire to Divide Yemen

A newspaper report, on Sunday, revealed the long history of the UAE in support of the division of Yemen since 1994, where it worked to incite its separatist militias and finance them with money and weapons to spread chaos and sabotage to…

Three children wounded due to heavy rains in Sanaa

Heavy rainfall injured on Monday three children in the capital Sanaa. According to Yemen’s civil defense authorities, the three children were targeted when one of the homes was collapsed because of the heavy rains in Shaoub district.…

Flogging set to replace by other punishments by Riyadh

According to a directive from the Kingdom’s Supreme Court ,Saudi Arabia will abolish flogging as a form of punishment,adding that flogging will be replaced by imprisonment or fines. As reported by BBC, the directive issued on Friday…

Governors Warn Trump: Too Soon to Reopen America

Governors in US states hardest hit by the novel coronavirus sparred with President Donald Trump over his claims they have enough tests and should quickly reopen their economies as more protests are planned over the extension of…