تصفح الوسم


US Reaffirms Opposition to Fair Peace Process in Yemen

The United States has recently reiterated its opposition to a just peace process in Yemen, insisting on imposing its own perceptions on the negotiation process. This is evident in its attempts to present mercenaries as a main party…

The United States Obstructs Peace in Yemen

Observers have warned of the United States' continued efforts to obstruct peace in Yemen, following negative statements made by the American envoy, Tim Lenderking, a few days ago. In his statements, Lenderking confirmed his country's…

Israel on Edge as Resistance Unites

Events are escalating in occupied Palestine following Zionist attacks on worshipers at Al-Aqsa Mosque. The northern and southern fronts of the occupying entity have ignited, portending a bloody war if aggression continues at this pace. The…

Omani Mediation Rekindles Hopes for Peace in Yemen

Diplomatic efforts continue to escalate in pursuit of peace in Yemen, as a high-level Omani delegation arrived in the capital, Sanaa, on Saturday, accompanied by the national negotiating delegation, to discuss arrangements for a resolution…

Yemen Warns Saudi of Further Strikes if Blockade Continues

A member of the political bureau of Ansar Allah, the governor of Dhamar, Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, confirmed that the statements of US President Joe Biden about Washington's desire to end the war in Yemen are of no value. He argued that this…