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WHO gives new names to mutated strains of corona

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it had developed a new and simpler system for identifying mutated strains of COVID-19. WHO is planned that the letters of the Greek alphabet will be used, instead of the place where the…

WHO Official Says Europe Faces “Pandemic Paradox”

World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Europe said the continent is at present facing a “pandemic paradox” as vaccines are rolled out while new strains are being discovered. Hans Kluge stressed on Thursday the need to…

WHO Cites Hopes of Victory over Coronavirus in 2021

The World Health Organization announced that there are signs of victory over the Coronavirus during this year, provided that hygiene and safety are adhered to. “It is important to maintain low rates of infection during the vaccination…

WHO Warns of Tough Months ahead as COVID Nears 43 Million

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) at this time had a grim warning concerning the subsequent months with COVID-19, warning that some nations are on a “dangerous track.” Its newest evaluation got here on a day when the WHO…

WHO Warns 2 Million Coronavirus Deaths Possible

Coronavirus deaths could more than double to two million without collective action against the pandemic, the World Health Organization has warned. The number of cases worldwide has soared past 32 million, with deaths approaching one…

WHO: There May Never Be a COVID-19 ‘Silver Bullet’

The World Health Organization has warned that, despite strong hopes for a vaccine, there might never be a “silver bullet” for COVID-19, and the road to normality would be long. More than 18.14 million people around the world…

Trump Using Coronavirus to Score Political Points: WHO

The United States is now in second place in terms of the death toll from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) globally, behind Italy and ahead of Spain, according to Johns Hopkins University’s data. The number of people who have died of…