Aggression Crimes

90 violations by the aggression forces in Hodeidah

The Liaison and Coordination Officers’ Operations Room, which monitors breaches of the Stockholm Agreement and Ceasefire in Hodeidah, reported over 90 violations by US-Saudi-led aggression coalition forces and mercenaries during…

Sana’a Is Angry at Griffiths Failure

After more than two years of the "failure to achieve any achievement" in the humanitarian issue, the UN envoy, Martin Griffiths, ignores the presence of the aggression and siege against Yemen. Contrary to the what the UN envoy…

NRC: Hunger crisis accelerating under Covid-19 in Yemen

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) on Wednesday warned against a worsened food crisis in Yemen amid Covid-19 spread, with one in every four families is at risk of famine. One in every vulnerable families have lost all income…

Hodeidah’s local authority condemns child rape in Hays

The local authority in Hodeidah province on Wednesday condemned the crime of raping a child in Hays district by one of the aggression's mercenaries. The local authority said in a statement that the so-called Noman Saeed Abdo Salem had…

Hunger Gap Eats up Lies of UN Organizations in Yemen

Everyday, the suffering of Yemenis is exacerbated by dangerous deviations that affected the work of the United Nations organizations and the international civil organizations operating in the country. Since the start of the…

99 violations of the truce agreement on Hodeidah fronts

The US-Saudi-led aggression and its mercenaries have continued to violate the UN-sponsored Stockholm ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah, committing 99 breaches over the past 24 hours. The violations included flying nine spy planes…

110 violations in Hodeidah ,15 airstrikes on Marib

The American-Saudi aggression forces continued to launch airstrikes on Marib province and commit more violations on Hodeidah fronts. An official of the Liaison and Coordination Officers’ Operations Room for monitoring the…

The aggression commits 88 breaches in Hodeidah

The US-Saudi-led aggression coalition’s mercenaries committed on Friday 88 violations of Sweden’s agreement in Hodeidah province over the past 24 hours, a source in the Correlation and Coordination Operations Room said. A…