
Two death cases of corona virus reported in Iran

At least two Iranians have died in hospital after testing positive for the new corona virus in the city of Qom, the head of the city’s University of Medical Sciences told News Agencies on Wednesday. “Two Iranians, who tested positive…

UAE Imposes New Repressive Restrictions on Internet

In light of the policy of repression and restricting freedoms and espionage in the Emirates, Etisalat, on Wednesday, announced that as per BlackBerry Ltd notice, BlackBerry services such as BlackBerry Messenger – Pin to Pin – BlackBerry…

The Saudi army sustains losses in Asir

The Yemeni army and popular committees , Wednesday, foiled on an attempt by the U.S Saudi-led aggression coalition to infiltrate towards military sites in Asir border province, a military official said. The coalition and its…

An attempted infiltration of mercenaries foiled in Najran

The Yemeni army and popular committees foiled ,Tuesday, an offensive of U.S.Saudi-led aggression coalition’s mercenaries in Najran border province, a military official said. The army caused the mercenaries heavy losses in lives and…