
Zakat authority distributes 1000 food baskets in Marib

The office of the General Authority for Zakat inaugurated on Saturday the distribution of one thousand food baskets to poor families affected by the aggression in Rahba district of Marib province. Director of the Authority’s office in…

15 captives of army freed in al-Jawf

Head of the National Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs in Sanaa, Abdulqadir Al-Mortada, on Saturday announced the success of a prisoner exchange deal with the other party on al-Jawf front. Al-Mortada said in a tweet on Twitter, “The…

Health Minister inaugurates September 21 Hospital in Amran

The Minister of Public Health and Population, Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakel, and the Governor of Amran, Faisal Jaman, inaugurated the September 21 Hospital in Harf Sufyan district. During the opening a number of officials stressed the hospital’s…