تصفح الوسم


Yemen’s Asymmetric Warfare: A Lesson for the West

The American agency, Bloomberg, has observed that Yemenis are teaching the West about asymmetric warfare and how they can replace suicide vests and explosive devices with unmanned suicide drones and precision-guided missiles. In an…

Air defenses down an American spy plane over Marib

Today, Monday, the air defenses of the Yemeni army and the popular committees, with God’s help, managed to shoot down a US “Scan Eagle” spy plane belonging to the US-Saudi aggression over Marib governorate. The Armed Forces…

Two protests in Amran to denounce the American terrorism

Madan , Amran sons hels two protests to reject the US terrorism against the Yemeni people. The participants said that America is one of sources of terrorism and chaos in the world and it has proven to be the mother of terrorism by…