تصفح الوسم


Two protests in Hajjah condeming the US terrorism

Two protests rallies were held on Friday by sons of Hajjah province to denounce the American terrorism against the Yemeni people. At the rally, they emphasized that American terrorism will not discourage the Yemeni to continue to face…

Popular protests in Sana’a ,denouncing US-Saudi crimes

Popular protests were held in Sana’a after Friday prayers to denounce the continuing crimes of the US-Saudi aggression and blockade, according to almasirah. The participants in the protests emphasized continuing steadfastness in the…

Two protests in Amran to denounce the American terrorism

Madan , Amran sons hels two protests to reject the US terrorism against the Yemeni people. The participants said that America is one of sources of terrorism and chaos in the world and it has proven to be the mother of terrorism by…

Protests in Canada Call for End to War on Yemen

Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO), held a car caravan protest for Yemen in Vancouver, Canada, on Saturday, January 23, 2021, denouncing Saudi-led aggression and blockade. The protest against the war on Yemen in…

Protests in Taiz confirms US is the evil source

Protests in Taiz province condemned the US administration's decision about Ansarullah. In a statement issued on Saturday, they confirmed the US administration’s decision to to designate Ansarullah as a terrorist organizationreveals…