تصفح الوسم


The aggression jets launch airstrikes on Yemeni provinces

The US-Saudi-led aggression coalition warplanes on Thursday waged air raids on Sanaa, Marib and Jawf provinces and border areas, a security official said. Earlier in the day, the aggression jets launched seven raids on ‘Al-Lakama’…

33 Airstrikes on Marib, al-Jawf, Saada provinces

The US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition’s fighter jets launched on Sunday 33 air strikes on Marib ,Jawf and Saada provinces over the past hours, security sources said . In Marib, the sources confirmed that aggression’s jets…

The aggression continues bombing Yemeni provinces

The Saudi-led aggression coalition fighter jets have carried out on Monday 56 airstrikes on various provinces over the past 24 hours, a security official said on Monday. In Marib, the fighter jets waged 21 strikes on various areas of…

The aggression launches airstrikes on Yemeni provinces

The American Saudi-led aggression coalition’s fighter jets on Sunday launched 13 strikes on Jawf, Najran and Bayda provinces, an official said. The coalition’s warplanes waged 10 strikes on Hazm district of jawf, two airstrikes on…

Air strikes on a number of Yemeni provinces

The U.S.Saudi-led aggression coalition’s warplanes launched on Tuesday 35 air strikes on four Yemeni provinces over the past 24 hours. In Jawf, six raids hit separate areas in Khub Washaaf district. In Saada, four strikes targeted…