تصفح الوسم


Israel on Edge as Resistance Unites

Events are escalating in occupied Palestine following Zionist attacks on worshipers at Al-Aqsa Mosque. The northern and southern fronts of the occupying entity have ignited, portending a bloody war if aggression continues at this pace. The…

Yemen Warns Saudi of Further Strikes if Blockade Continues

A member of the political bureau of Ansar Allah, the governor of Dhamar, Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, confirmed that the statements of US President Joe Biden about Washington's desire to end the war in Yemen are of no value. He argued that this…

Non-stop Saudi bombardment on civilians near the border

The Saudi enemy army continues its criminal escalation against civilians in bordering areas in the province of Saada. The number of victims, including killed and wounded, is constantly increasing as a result of the non-stop bombardment of…

Who is stealing Yemen’s oil…!?

Yemen's oil, who is stealing it…? A consumer questions in classical Arabic, followed by a question mark, looking for answers in the fields of politicians, and from those experts in oil and economy. On the 28th of February 2023, an…

Sayyid Al-Houthi: We’re still at war and not in a truce

Sayyid Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, in his speech today on the occasion of the anniversary of the martyr leader, clarified some facts about the consultations and what concerns us during the current stage. Al-Sayyid said: There is some…

Saudi crimes backed by an American-European green light

Saudi Arabia commits various types of crimes and human rights violations without deterrence and under American and European cover. History always recounts Western hypocrisy in dealing with issues in a manner that serves its interests at the…