Military source: Continued violations of aggression’s forces in Hodeidah


The US-Saudi aggression forces and mercenaries attacked several areas in Hodeidah province, in a new violation of the ceasefire agreement in the few past hours, a military source said.

The aggression’s mercenaries used heavy machine guns to attack Jablyah area of Tuhaita district, leaving damages to several houses of civilians, added the source.

As well as, the mercenaries fired over 13 mortar shells at citizens’ farms, burning them in al-Jah area of Bait al-Fakih district.

Aggression’s mercenaries also targeted various and separate areas in Duraihmi district, using artillery shells and machine guns.

In a new reading, Human Eye Center for Rights and Development, an independent civil society organization that publishes periodic reports on civilian casualties and civilian infrastructure, issued a statistical report on the scale of civilian casualties suffered in Yemen for nearly five years by US-Saudi aggression.

The Center confirmed that 42,135 civilians were killed and wounded as a result of the direct shelling of the aggression coalition, especially the airstrikes that exceeded half a million raids and 2689 women. According to the report, killing and injuring children by direct shelling accounted for more than 25% of the total number of civilian victims.


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