Saudi-led aggression intensifies its attacks on citizens in Hodeidah

The US-Saudi led aggression escalated its attacks against civilians in Hodeidah province using various heavy weapons and tanks to target homes and properties of people.

A local source in the besieged city of Duraihmi stated that the houses of the citizens in Al-Sola village were damaged by artillery shelling of the aggression forces.

The source added in Hodeidah province confirmed that a number of citizens’ areas in Haiys and Jabaliya were subjected to artillery, mortar, and various machine gun fire.

The source confirmed that Al-Jah area of the Beit Al-Faqih district was bombed by the Saudi-led aggression forces with mortar shells and various machine guns.

Every day, Yemeni society is increasing recognize the reality of the US-Saudi aggression, and its destructive malicious project through new crimes that occur against civilians, such as rape, murder, and kidnapping of women, children, without any religious, moral or humanitarian deterrent of aggression’s mercenaries.


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