Iran rejects Qatari mediation

Iran has refused the Qatari mediation to ease tensions with The United States after the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani, Iranian state television, citing a senior revolutionary guard commander as saying.

Iranian news agencies described the Qatari foreign minister’s visit to Tehran to mediate with The United States as a “surprise”, as he was the first foreign official to visit Iran following the assassination crisis of Qassem Soleimani.

“Mohammad bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani met with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif,” Iranian media reported.

General Mohammad Reza Naqi, one of the most prominent leaders of the Revolutionary Guard, revealed on Iranian television his country’s position on Qatari mediation.

“The consequences of the Killing of Soleimani will be very painful for the Americans, and the decision to respond has been made and irreversible. We advise the United States not to bother to send mediation and ministers to mediate and meet with Minister Javad Zarif to dissuade Tehran from the decision to respond,” Iranian Basij Commander General Mohammad Reza said.

“We tell them not to send their messages,  don’t call and  don’t send anyone to meet Zarif here in Tehran,”  he added.

General Mohammad Reza continued: ” If you are not qualified for such acts, why are you doing this and then mobilizing mediation and asking us not to respond to Soleimani’s death, the decision to respond has been taken and absolutely.”

On the decision of the Iranian response, he said: The matter is over, now we have passed this order and the decision to respond is only waiting to be implemented, and no party or anyone can stop this decision.

“In terms of the confrontation between the two sides, we have reached a phase of irreversible confrontation, and a large part of the responses that no one can control, as many parties would move from many regions of the Muslim world,” he said.

” The leaders who work there will respond to the United States, all of them for sure,” he concluded.

Source Agencies.

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