Suleimani’s Daughter: Million-Man Funeral for Martyrs a Clear Message to US


Zeinab Suleimani, the daughter of General Qassem Suleimani, stressed on Monday that the million-man turnout of those who took part in funeral of General Suleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis in Iraq and Iran is a clear message to the United States.

Speaking at the mass funeral of the martyrs in Tehran, Zeinab Suleimani said that Resistance commanders are capable of foiling enemies’ conspiracyز

Speaking in the funeral procession of the martyr, Zeinab Suleimani said that the late General had been engaged in combat with enemies of the country for 40 years.

“My father was longing for martyrdom,” she said adding that the General devoted his life to serve the country and was proud of being the soldier of Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei.

As he had engaged in combat with enemies of the country for 40 years, he had scared the Takfiri groups, tyrants as well as the oppressors to death, she underlined.

“Even the name of Qassem Suleimani fightens the den of the Zionist regime.”

Zeinab Suleimani also rebuked US President Donald Trump for ordering the assassination, holding Washington accountable for state terrorism through the strike which targeted the commanders last Friday.

Source: Iranian media

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