War on Yemen Behind Sudan’s Normalization with Israel under US-Saudi Support

It seems that the Zionist entity’s recent trends towards normalization with Sudan is a confirmation of their desire to expand its relationship with most of the African countries, including Sudan, since the reality of the events taking place in the Middle East, which reinforced hatred against Israeli and American plans backed by Gulf funds provided by Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

While Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, head of the sovereign council of Sudan, has commented on this meeting saying, “I took this step from the point of view of my responsibility to protect the national security of Sudan and achieve the supreme interests of the Sudanese people, by removing Sudan from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism,” the timing of this meeting, which was conducted with US-Emirati arrangements aimed at continuing implementation of the Hebrew state plan towards Yemen.

Earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had expressed concern about the Houthis attacking Tel Aviv with ballistic missiles. This confirms that Israel places Yemen on the list of countries that will seek to target it, whether at present or in the long term.

On the other hand, the failure of the Saudi coalition against Yemen to achieve any military victories supported by Israel, especially after the Sudanese government claims that it gradually withdrew its troops from Yemen –while the sources confirm that the withdrawal is just an illusion, as there are still about 35,000 soldiers on the Saudi-Yemeni border and southern Yemen– promoted Israel to search for alternative plans, with different titles.

In addition, the meeting between Burhan and Netanyahu carried many indications that Tel Aviv is seeking to exploit the Sudanese fighters, raise their morale again to increase their numbers within the ranks of the Saudi coalition and implement a broader plan against Yemen and its people.

Amid attempts by Burhan that the meeting is to lift his country’s name from the list of state sponsoring terrorism, analysts and media outlets see this claim as hollow justifications, aimed at actual coverage of the truth of the main goal for which the meeting was held.

Arab newspapers and websites had highlighted the meeting of the Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, head of the sovereign council of Sudan, with the Prime Minister of Israel, which took place in Uganda, denouncing the move, which they described as an insult to the great Sudanese people, who have always championed the Palestinian people and their cause.

Source: Websites.

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