Iran Raps Europe’s ’Deafening Silence’ on US Suppression of Peaceful Rallies

Iran has lashed out at European countries for turning a blind eye to the ongoing US crackdown on peaceful anti-racism demonstrations, saying their “deafening silence” is tantamount to hypocrisy.

In a post on his Twitter account on Saturday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi also blasted the US administration for denying its own people the right to breathe.

“While the US regime is denying the right of breath to its own people & brutally suppressing the peaceful protests, the ‘deafening silence’ of the so-called champions of the human rights in Europe & beyond, demonstrates, once again, their insincerity, hypocrisy & double standards,” he said.

The US has witnessed mass rallies against police violence and racial discrimination following the death of a handcuffed unarmed African-American man in Minneapolis on May 25.

George Floyd died after a US police officer knee led on his neck for more than eight minutes despite his cries that he could not breathe.

His death, captured on video, sparked street protests across the US, which are being met with an increasingly heavy-handed police response.

People in certain European countries have also taken to the streets in solidarity with the US rallies and torn down statues and monuments glorifying slavery and colonialism.

On Thursday, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said the time was ripe for the international community to hold the United States regime accountable for its human rights abuses both inside and outside of its borders.

“It’s high time the world worked for the US regime’s human rights accountability at home & abroad,” the ministry tweeted.

Source: Press TV

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