Marib Tribal Cohesion Council condemns mercenaries’ crime against Subaiaan family

The Tribal Cohesion Council in Marib province has condemned the heinous crime have been committed by the mercenaries of aggression against the Subaiaan family in Wadi Abedah of Marib province, declaring the tribal gathering against such a wild crime.

In a statement, the council affirmed that this crime is not strange to those who were stripped of all the values, morals, principles and customs of the Yemeni tribe, it is indeed they were addicted to committing wild crimes in the service of the enemies of the country.

The council called on all sheikhs, notables, and dignitaries of Marib tribes to unite the rank, position to preserve the integrity of the Yemeni tribe and cleanse the land from perpetrators’ actions.

It stressed that this crime will not go unanswered, calling on all Sheikhs and tribes of Yemen to gather towards this great shame against the Yemeni tribe.

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