From Tanomah to Decisive Storm….Multiple Names And One Crime

A century has passed on the horrific Tenomah Massacre committed by al-Saud Army against thousands of Yemeni pilgrims en route to the House of God and the holy sites, Mecca and Medinah, to perform the Hajj which is the fifth and final pillar of Islam.

Yemenis went out a hundred years ago, cheering the almighty Allah and their aim to visit the House of God desiring to perform the pilgrimage at a time the Saudi enemy was preparing for treachery so as to kill the pilgrims they just had reached the land of Najd and Hejaz.

Historical sources reported that three thousand Yemeni pilgrims had gathered from various provinces and held a farewell ceremony in Sanaa city before the pilgrims traveled to the holy places, and the Yemeni people used to perform a farewell and reception party during their departure as well as upon their return, but the Guests of Rahman, the pilgrims, in 1341 AH did not return to their homes at that time.

According to accounts, after the Saudi authorities gave the Yemeni pilgrims the green light to secure the road, while the Yemeni pilgrims entered the areas under the authority of Abdul Aziz al-Saud. A company of Saudi soldiers escorted the Yemeni pilgrims, led by Prince Khalid bin Mohammed, nephew of King Abdulaziz, in Wadi Tanomah in the Asir region, where the brutal crime scene was committed.

Today, Wednesday, marks the centenary of the Saudi massacre against the Yemeni pilgrims on Saturday 17 Dhu al-Qa’ida 1341 AH in which around two thousand and 500 Yemeni pilgrims have been killed while 500 pilgrims survived.

Sources in the history books, including “Volume 6 of Hijar al-ʻilm wa-maʻāqiluhu fī al-Yaman, Ismāʻīl ibn ʻAlī Akwa”, is a book written by the Judge Ismail al-Akwa, said that the Saudi soldiers and armed Takfiri groups led by Bagad al-Otaibi shot and killed the Yemeni pilgrims in Tanomah valley in Asir, despite knowing that the Yemeni pilgrims, like other pilgrims, do not possess any a weapon.

The Tanomah massacre is the first crime committed by the al-Saud regime against the Yemeni people 100 years ago, what might be called the massacre of the twentieth century against Yemeni pilgrims, which reflects the hatred of the Saudi regime for Yemen, whether by killing or occupying the land and controlling wealth as it is in Asir, Najran and Jizan regions.

It can be said that the launch of the aggression against Yemen in 2015 by the aggressive coalition led by Saudi Arabia, and its bypassing all borders by destroying Yemen’s capabilities and infrastructure at the forefront of killing children, women, the elderly and citizens in their homes, roads and the wedding halls and funeral halls are an extension of the massacre of Tanomah.

“The massacre of Tanomah and Sadwan against the Yemeni pilgrims at the hands of the al-Saud gangs and the Wahhabism takfiri in its first centennial mark coincides with the Saudi regime prevented from entering the Muslims to perform the pilgrimage and it’s the closure of Holy Mosque in Mecca in a clear response to hidden regime behind the cloak of religion at a time it presents itself a protector of Muslims, undersecretary of the Ministry of Endowments for the Hajj and Umrah sector Abdal-Rahman al-Naami said.

He pointed out that the massacre is a premeditated crime and also affirms the hostility of the al-Saud regime to Yemen and its people, noting that “the hostility of the Saudi regime to the Yemeni people is not on the pour of the moment and its aggression against Yemen at present as well as preventing all Muslim to perform the pilgrimage in the Holy land is a crime of a series of crimes that the kingdom of evil still committing against all Muslims which will be added to the black history of the Saudi regime.

Al-Naami pointed out that the killing of thousands of Yemeni pilgrims unjustly and aggressively in cold blood by gangs and takfiris of the al-Saud regime confirms the pursuit of the agenda of the enemies of the nation who see in the Hajj duty a gathering of the Word of the nation because of the link of the al-Saud to the British colonial countries that were controlling many Asian countries, including Yemen.

He said, “The Saudi regime puts off the people of the nation today from performing the Hajj, without consulting the Islamic countries and organizations in false pretexts and excuses, in an effort to disrupt the Hajj duty and try to empty it of its religious mission that Allah wanted.”

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Endowments considered that preventing to perform the fifth pillar is to expand the policy it pursues in the context of the American-British hegemony and their keenness to expand their influence by enabling the Zionist entity to enlarge its influence over Palestine and the Arab regions.

AnsarAllah spokesman Mohamed Abdelsalam commented on the Tanomah massacre, “A century has passed since the carnage of Tanomah committed by the Saudi Wahhabi takfiri regime, is the largest and most heinous crime against Yemeni pilgrims.

He pointed out that the injustice of the Tanomah massacre is the same as the aggression and siege happening today in a sign of malice of the Saudi regime in the bloodshed until today against the Yemeni people.

The Assistant Undersecretary of the Hajj Sector at the Ministry of Endowments Ismail Dhaifallah described the Tanumah massacre against the Yemeni pilgrims as a horrific act committed by the al-Saud army against the pilgrims while they were on their way to Mecca.

He stressed that this massacre that occurred in 1341 AH is not strange for the al-Saud, who revives it after a hundred years of waging war on Yemen, killing children, women, and the elderly.

Dhaifallah considered preventing the Saudi regime from entering the pilgrims from which the Yemeni people were deprived of it for six years it is rather to repel Muslims from performing this duty and to politicize these rituals, which will lead to the divine punishment for this regime and shame and defeat in this world and the great torment in the Hereafter, Allah Says in the Glory Book ” But why should Allah not punish them while they obstruct [people] from al-Masjid al- Haram and they were not [fit to be] its guardians? Its [true] guardians are not but the righteous, but most of them do not know. Al-Anfal-Aya 34″.

A member of the AnsarAllah political bureau Dr. Hizam al-Assad, said that the massacre of Tanomah (1923 AD/1341 AH)- stuck in the heads of the Yemeni people a generation after generation, and the true image of the Saudi regime and its criminal acts against the Yemeni people have formed to this day.

He considered the Tanomah massacre as a natural result of the state of Wahhabi mobilization towards the Islamic nation with its various intellectual orientations, especially the Yemeni people whose intellectual heritage represents a source of turmoil for Saudi Arabia because it realized that the Yemeni heritage constitutes a threat to its policy that is in harmony with the enemies of the nation.

Dr. Al-Assad stressed the importance of documenting the crimes of the Saudi regime on the historical and legal tracks and highlighting them to the world starting from the massacre of Tanomah to the launching of the aggression and crimes against Yemen.

In turn, the researcher Dr. Hammoud al-Ahnoumi pointed out that the Tanomah massacre against the Yemeni pilgrims is a forgotten crime in the corridors of politics, which has been absent since its committing until the present time, reviewing the causes of the massacre and its repercussions, facts, and events.

He explained that the aggression against Yemen started since 1341 AH, in the Tanomah massacre that killed nearly three thousand Yemeni pilgrims, stressing the importance of documenting the al-Saud’s crimes against the Yemeni people and submitting them to the international courts to hold their perpetrators accountable.

The head of the academic forum at Sanaa University Dr. Mohammed al-Ma’khathi considered that the talk about the Saudi regime and its sabotage projects in Yemen is not a talk about the past and its tragedies starting from the massacre of Tanomah and the aggression of 1934 AD, but rather talk about the present and what the bad neighbor in Yemen is doing on the ground and against the human.

He pointed out that the aggression currently led by Saudi Arabia against Yemen is only one aspect of Saudi ugliness towards Yemen, and the Yemenis have no choice but to withstand until victory is achieved and to ensure that this barbarism does not pass on to future generations.

The Tanomah massacre is still a witness to the bloody Saudi regime that has been going on for one hundred years ago which continues its arrogance by launching its aggression and war against Yemen and committing thousands of crimes and massacres against children, women and the elderly, in addition to destroying the State’s capabilities and infrastructure.

Edited by Saba News Agency.

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