An unprecedented catastrophe in the coming days due to the continued detention of petroleum products: Yemen Oil Company


A humanitarian appeal for help Friday was launched  by the Yemen Petroleum Company due to the lack of oil derivatives.


The company, in a statement,  called on the world and all international humanitarian organizations to assume its responsibilities to avoid the disaster in Yemen.


The continued detention of the oil tankers will lead to the stoppage of over 400 hospitals and 5,000 health centers and all oxygen factories that provide services to over 26 million citizens. It will also lead to the cessation of about 23,000 water and power outages for all citizens, the company noted.


Preventing the entry of oil derivatives will cause complete paralysis in the transportation movement as more than 80,000 cargo carriers, 70,000 public transportation and half a million private transportation will stop. The agricultural sector will face a major problem because of the depletion of oil quantities and agricultural crops will be destroyed and the entire agricultural season will be losen, it stressed.


For his part, the director of the company Ammar Al-Adrai said that 25 million Yemenis are at risk as a result of running out of oil derivatives and holding the United Nations and the aggressive countries responsible for the lives of Yemenis, especially the patients in all hospitals.


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