Yemen affirms full support for Palestinian people, defending its Issue

Yemen’s political components and parties affirmed on Thursday in an expanded meeting on the ongoing support for the Palestinian people and defending its Issue.

At the meeting, the head of the Palestinian file with Ansrullah, Hassan Al-Hamran, considered the aggression against Yemen for more than five years, one of the steps that aims to eliminate everything threatening the existence of the usurping Zionist entity.

“We are proud that the Saudi-led aggression planned by the Jews against the Yemeni people, because we have stood humanity and morality with our brothers oppressed and usurped their lands,affirming that the people of Yemen stands alongside the Palestinian people to defend the cause and holy places, including the Palestinian capital al-Quds, Al-Hamran affirmed.

Al-Hamran pointed out the attempts to endure and eliminate the Palestinian issue by US-Israeli and some Arabic states through passing the so-called century deal, which is one of the steps to target Palestinian people and its issue.

Meanwhile, deputy head of the Political Department of the General People’s Congress, Younis Hazza, praised the steadfastness and great stances by the Palestinian Arab people and their factions in the face of the Zionist entity.

He stressed that the Palestinian issue will remain the first and central issue for the Yemeni people and the issue of struggle, resistance, pride, dignity, and defense of the holy places confronting the Zionist occupier, who commits al worst forms of racism, violations and crimes against our people of Palestinian.

On the other hand, the representative of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, Ahmed Barakat, affirmed that the Zionist annexation plan and other current and future plans that target Palestine with its land, its people and its sanctuaries, are a natural result of the normalization of some Arab regimes with the Zionist entity.

Barakat said, “The Saudi regime gave the Israeli entity the green light to proceed with the annexation scheme in the occupied West Bank, in contradiction to the public position, in on condition that Saudi Arabia play a fundamental role in administering the holy sites in occupied al-Quds.”

Barakat called on the Palestinian people and its factions to enhance the internal ranks and national and Islamic factions and stand united with supporters of the Palestinian right by Arab and Islamic countries in the face of the Zionist occupation.

Whereas, the charge d’affaires of the Hamas Movement ‘s office in Yemen, Muath Abu Shamaleh, indicated that the true enemy towards the Arabic and Islamic nation is the US-backed Zionist enemy, which threats the Palestinian people and the peoples of the nation and its capabilities.

Abu Shamaleh appreciated the initiative that launched by al-Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi to release the Saudi pilots and officers in exchange deal for the release of detainees from Hamas in Saudi Arabia’s prisons, despite the presence of Yemeni prisoners in Saudi Arabia.

Finally, the representative of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine in Yemen, Khaled Khalifa, indicated that the Zionist plans to annex the great parts of the West Bank, the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea constitutes a declaration of war against the Palestinian people, their rights and their cause, and a flagrant violation of the international legitimacy decisions related to the Palestinian cause.

Khalifa stressed on the importance of backing the Palestinian resistance, unity and revolution, for deterring and defeat the Zionist occupation, in addition to foiling its plots that target the Arabic and Islamic nation’s holy places.

Source: the Official Saba News Agency.

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