YPC: UN Basic Partner with Saudi-led Aggression in Detention of 20 Vessels


As it represents a time bomb threatening the lives of citizens, Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) has warned of the danger of storing oil derivatives in neighborhoods and homes .


Most of the oil products sold on black market are not in conformity with specifications and standards, which causes damage and breakdown of vehicles, Ammar Al-Adhrai, the chief executive officer of the company, said in a statement on Saturday.


He stressed the importance to coordinate with the relevant authorities to strengthen security oversight against the black market and offenders  who take advantage of the citizens’ need for the oil products.


He considered the United Nations as a basic partner with the US-Saudi-led aggression in the continued detention of 20 vessels, including three carrying diesel and two loaded with domestic gas, in addition to the detention of 15 others loaded with 391889 tons of gasoline and diesel, equivalent to 10200 locomotives.


“We are on the verge of a real humanitarian catastrophe because of the near depletion of the quantities of oil derivatives in the warehouses, as the actual requirement of gasoline and diesel amounts to 10 million and 500 thousand liters per day,” he said. “The company resorted to distributing the remaining quantities of diesel and gasoline available to the stations to distribute them according to a catering plan that meets the needs of the citizens for the longest period.”


Al-Adhari ,regarding the measures taken against the coalition of aggression seizing of oil vessels, indicated that the Ministry of Oil and Minerals would submit an integrated file to the Attorney General against the Economic Committee of the aggression mercenaries,  which includes the losses resulting from the delay in the entry of oil ships to Hodeidah port, despite obtaining permits.


As a result of the continued detention of oil ships, he held the United Nations and the aggression coalition countries fully responsible for the worsening situation in Yemen .


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