UN Organizations Multiply Disastrous Health Conditions in Yemen

It was clear from the beginning that the war on Yemen was not limited to the countries of the Saudi-led coalition, but rather a global war, in which even the United Nations, the Security Council and the global evil countries were involved, with the aim of eliminating an entire people. This is what really happened and still is.


Today, after five years of the legendary resilience of the Yemeni people in front of a blind and malevolent war machine, it appears that the UN and international organizations have decided to kill the Yemeni people, targeting the health sector by suspending the meager aid, but the yemenis who see themselves as victorious over the universal forces of evil will triumph over their filthy and despicable plots.


The Minister of Public Health and Population, Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakel, held an expanded meeting on Tuesday with the leaders of the health sector to discuss the decision of UN and international organizations to suspend their support to the Yemeni health sector.


Al-Mutawakel considered the organizations’ decision to be a political decision, in light of the state resources’ scarcity because of the aggression control of its resources and wealth sources.


“We cannot separate the organizations’ decision from the economic pressure’s path by aggression,” he stressed.


The Minister warned that thousands of people with chronic diseases are at risk of death because of the continued siege and the scarcity of life-saving medicines.


He pointed out that they have already stopped the incentives for doctors and health staff working in hospitals, at a time when the aggression continues detaining fuel vessels.


The Minister indicated that the Ministry is studying solutions to prevent the health services’ suspension in the country, warning of the serious situation.


Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Dr. Youssef Al-Hadhri, considered the measures taken by the UN organizations in Yemen are subject to the will of the forces of aggression and are biased towards it.


According to Al-Hadhiri, there are 41 major UN programs in Yemen, only one has been fully implemented.


Despite the health spokesman’s warnings that thousands of health facilities are vulnerable to closure during the coming period, and 50% to 80% of the UN health programs have been curtailed or have been closed, he stressed that the Ministry of Health will not stand idly by regarding the reduction of UN aid in Yemen. It will tend to rely entirely on the local staff to the maximum capacity available.


Al-Hadhiri stressed that the humanitarian situation in Yemen is “a stain on the forehead of the UN,” he said, “Despite the financial difficulties, we will work to strengthen resilience in the health sector, we will preserve all that we can and we will not give up, whatever the prices.”


The catastrophic health conditions compounded by the fuel crisis due to the detention of fuel vessels by the forces of the aggression in the Red Sea and preventing them from reaching the port of Hodeidah. Despite the repeated calls made by Sana’a, warning of a humanitarian catastrophe, the United Nations has only expressed its concern.

Quoted from al-masirah.net.

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