The aggression coalition detains ten ships of oil products: the Oil Company

Today, Friday, the Yemeni Oil Company organized a protest in front of the United Nations office in Sana’a to denounce the continued detention of oil derivative ships by the aggression coalition.

In the stand under the slogan “International Achievement: From Covering Up Piracy Crimes and Misleading Public Opinion to Legitimizing the Organized Plunder of Crude Oil Revenues”, the official spokesperson for the company, Essam Al-Mutawakel, confirmed that the aggression coalition is still holding ten oil derivative ships to this day. The first of which is the “Pandeg Victory” For which it detention period reached eight and a half months and the fines amounted to about five million and 500 thousand dollars, which is equivalent to the value of the shipment.

He indicated that the United Nations is unable to implement the Sweden agreement and has become a participant in the blockade and aggression against the Yemeni people.

The company’s spokesperson called on the United Nations to do its humanitarian duty and return to the point of neutrality, as it is today on the side of aggression.

He called for the need to open Sanaa International Airport and Hodeidah Port ,calling on the liberals of the world and civil society organizations to continue standing with the oppression of the Yemeni people , which is the result of the aggression and detention of oil derivative ships.


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