Several events celebrate the anniversary of the martyr in the provinces

Celebrating the anniversary of the martyr, Saturday, continues in the various governorates of the Republic, which is an opportunity to remind everyone of the responsibility of all towards the families of the martyrs in commemoration of their sacrifices for the sake of the homeland, its security, stability and the dignity of its sons.

The Culture Ministry launched its activities with a meeting headed by Minister ,Abdullah Ahmad Al-Kabsi. It was attended by the ministry’s leaders. And the Technical Education and Vocational Training Office in Sana’a organized an event on the occasion .

In addition, Minister of Technical Education and Vocational Training, Ghazi Ahmed Ali Mohsen,launched the celebrations of the Ministry and its institutions through an event honoring the children of martyrs at the College of Emergency Health Sciences and Technology

On the other hand, Ansar Allah Women’s Authority , in cooperation with the Women’s Awareness Department in the Municipality, launched many activities on the anniversary.The Local Council and the Supervisory Office of the Revolution Directorate also organized a central event for the anniversary.

While in Sanhan sistrict, Sana’a province, a cultural event was held, and in Hajjah, the Martyr Taha Al-Madani High School for Outstanding Students organized a cultural event.In addition, the Security Department of Mubin District in Hajjah did so.

In Rima, a number of executive offices organized a cultural event. And in Taiz, the martyr’s anniversary activities were launched by presenting a financial and food caravan by the people of the province to the families of the great martyrs in honor of their sacrifices for the sake of Allah, religion and the homeland.

Also, in the city of Al-Rahada, the Directorate of Khadir in Taiz, a cultural event was held on the anniversary .While in Amran, the Technical Education and Vocational Training Office launched the activities through holding a symposium entitled “The Culture of Martyrs, the Status and Greatness of the Martyrs,” in cooperation with the Resala College of Applied Sciences and Technology and the University Student Forum.

Hamda district people in Raida district of Amran also organized a cultural event .Furthermore, in Hodeidah, an event was held to commemorate the anniversary , organized by the branches of the Yemen Oil Company, the General Authority for Geological Survey and Mineral Resources, and the Yemen Gas Company.

In a related context, the Marib governor , Ali Muhammad Toaiman, inspected the equipment and preparations for the opening the central exhibition for the families of the martyrs of the province.

In the events and activities attended by several parts of the society, officials and participants pointed out the importance of commemorating this memory in the hearts of Yemenis in loyalty to them who offered their lives cheap in defense of land and honor.

They also showed the greatness of martyrdom and the status of the martyr to Allah, stressing following the martyrs until victory is achieved over the enemies.

They stressed the need to pay attention to the children of the martyrs and their families and to take care of them , in addition to feel their needs as the least possible duty to be presented to them in fulfillment of the sacrifices they made in defending the homeland.

While the cultural official in the office, Fouad Sharik, pointed out the importance of drawing lessons and lessons from this occasion, pointing out the need to follow in the footsteps of the martyrs in facing the alliance of aggression and mercenaries until victory is achieved.

The events included various artistic performances and honoring the children of the martyrs in gratitude and loyalty to the sacrifices.

The famailies of the martyrs expressed their pride of their martyrs , stressing following them in defending the homeland.


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