On Rajab Friday … Sayyed. Abdulmalik al-Houthi congratulates the Yemeni people for their adherence to the faith identity

The Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed. Abdulmalik Badr Aldeenn al-Houthi congratulates Yemeni people for belonging to the faith identity which is the best identity for any people and nation, stressing that we must consolidate this identity for future generations.

Sayyed. al-Houthi clarified in his speech, today, Friday, on the occasion of Ragab Friday that this memory is one of the great milestones that resulted in the great historical transformation to the faith direction ,indicating that the faith choice is the solid ground for building a true reality as God wanted him for man to achieve the greatest results and avoid losses and mistakes.

Sayyed pointed out that choosing a state of deviation in order to obtain material gains may push a person to support falsehood and do forbidden actions without obtaining his goal ,stressing that what is achieved by faith is a good life in this world and a happy and eternal future and safety from eternal loss in the other life.

He said, “A society that builds his life on the basis of faith has ensured building his life on the fertile ground of happiness, love and cooperation,” explaining that faith guarantees for a person true freedom from all forms of enslavement.

Sayyed al-Houthi added that adopting the faith direction in the political track will make human tendencies valid and safe from corruption and evil.


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