Humanitarian Affairs Council discuss with ADRA the needs of Marib province

Quting from Saba, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation, Abdulmohsen Tawoos, discussed Wednesday with Country Director of SDRA Organization in Yemen, Edgar Castillo, the needs of Marib province.

In the meeting, Tawoos stressed the importance of rapid intervening to provide food, shelter, and other assistance, in a way that alleviates the suffering of citizens in the province.

He also pointed to the necessity of focusing on projects that benefit the community, supporting livelihood projects in Hodeida province, and the rapid and emergency response to the displaced in the capital city and Sanaa province.

For his part, Castillo praised the efforts of the leadership of the Council in providing facilities to the organization, confirming that the organization would work with the Council in providing for the humanitarian needs.

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