Saree: The scenes of targeting Al-Wadeah camp will be broadcast tomorrow

The spokesman for the armed forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, confirmed that qualitative scenes of Al-Wadeah operation will be broadcast at exactly three o’clock tomorrow afternoon.

Brigadier-General Sare’e explained that the scenes, stages (monitoring, launching and access) will be broadcast for the first time.

On the 24th of this June, the armed forces carried out a qualitative and surprising operation on a training camp of the Saudi aggression in Al-Wadiah border area, and the armed forces targeted the command center, training sites, mobilization sectors and operations inside the camp.

The armed forces launched the qualitative operation with ten locally-made Qasef 2K drones, on the camp, which is located north of Hadhramaut لovernorate and on the border with Saudi Arabia.

The spokesman for the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, explained that the operation was carried out with ten Qasef 2K drones and targeted the command center, training sites, crowd sectors and other sites inside the camp.

He stressed that the injuries were accurate, indicating that the operation resulted in the death and injury of more than 60 mercenaries of the aggression, including leaders, in addition to the killing of a number of Saudi officers.

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