President Al-Mashat appreciates the House of Representatives’ actions to drop the membership of traitors

His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, President of the Supreme Political Council, in a letter of thanks to the Speaker and members of the House of Representatives, valued the constitutional and legal measures taken by the Council regarding the revocation of the membership of a number of its members over committing the crime of violating the constitution and high treason by calling and supporting the countries of the Saudi-American aggression against Yemen and violating the sovereignty of and safety of its territory.

President Al-Mashat said in the letter he addressed to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Yahya Ali Al-Ra’i and members of the House, “We appreciate and value this brave and responsible step by your esteemed assembly to expel those traitors and cleanse the nation’s edifice from the defilement of those who sold their conscience and betrayed their trusts in exchange for a handful of profane money narrow personal interests, and endangered the nation’s supreme interests, gains, and capabilities.”

He stressed that this attitude will be recorded by history for the House of Representatives, along with his historical and national attitudes and decisions that he took in the face of the aggression.

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