African communities in Sana’a call on international organizations to open investigations into Saudi crimes against migrants


Posted on November 21, 2022 Ansarollah website – Sana’a –

The African communities representing refugees and migrants in Yemen today called on international organizations to open investigations into Saudi Arabia’s crimes against migrants.

In the press conference held in front of the United Nations office in Sana’a, in the presence of a number of wounded Africans, Abdullah Al-Leithi, its chief coordinator, the leaders of refugees and migrants in Yemen, indicated that it is not strange for the Saudi regime, which kills Yemeni children and women, to target migrants at the border.

He added that African migrants were subjected to the most severe types of torture until death, including electric shocks, beatings with heavy tools, and direct targeting with live bullets.

Al-Laithi pointed out that some survivors of the brutality of the Saudi forces are receiving treatment in the hospitals of the International Organization for Migration, which did not move a finger and did not issue a statement of condemnation, despite being informed of what is happening in the border.

For his part, the spokesman for the Ethiopian community, Abdel Fattah Mohamed, called on the Ethiopian federal government to open an urgent investigation into the Saudi regime’s massacre of our brothers on the border.

Abdel-Fattah explained that 9 massacres committed by the Saudi regime were monitored during the current year 2022 AD, which killed more than 189 immigrants and injured about 535 others.


In turn, the head of the Somali community in Yemen, Ibrahim Mualem, condemned what our immigrant brothers were subjected to on the border by brutally killing them at the hands of the Saudi forces.He pointed out that the killing and torture of immigrants by the Saudi forces indicates the corruption of the Riyadh regime, which sheds the blood of innocents and takes pleasure in killing them.

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