Eye of Humanity condemns the crime of the US-Saudi aggression in Hodeidah

Posted on November 21, 2022 Ansarollah website – Sana’a –

The Eye of Humanity Center for Rights and Development condemned, in the strongest terms, the crime of the US-Saudi aggression, which resulted in the injury of 12 people, most of them children, with the remnants of the aggression in Hodeidah.

The Center for Rights and Development considered this crime according to the international humanitarian legal description contained in the four Geneva Conventions and the two annexed protocols as war crimes.

The center called for the formation of an international investigation committee into the crimes committed by the coalition countries and their mercenaries against innocent civilians.

It condemned the silence of the international community, international bodies and organizations, especially the United Nations, which is watching what the countries of the coalition of aggression and their mercenaries are committing against the Yemenis.


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