Al-Ezzi: The Security Council’s insistence on the “civil war” lie prolongs the suffering of Yemenis

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the National Salvation Government, Hussein Al-Ezzi, denounced the UN Security Council way of presenting what is happening in Yemen, stressing that this abuse will remain clear evidence of the Council’s complicity with the countries of the aggression coalition and its participation in their crimes against the Yemeni people.

Al-Ezzi, in a tweet on his Twitter account, on Monday, denounced the UN Security Council’s insistence on calling the external aggressive war against Yemen a “civil war.”

“This council will remain a hideous criminal behind the prolongation of the war and the suffering of the Yemenis—until this scandalous lie is withdrawn,” he added.

Al-Ezzi ridiculed the position of the Security Council in this context, saying that perhaps the Council should issue a document that considers Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Kuwait, and Bahrain to be Yemeni provinces, in order to support the description of the “civil war” that it insists on adopting.

The aggression coalition and its Western sponsors seek to perpetuate this mischaracterization in public opinion and in international forums. The goal is to divert attention from their responsibility for the crimes committed against the Yemeni people and the worst humanitarian crisis in the world caused by the aggressive war and the criminal blockade on Yemen.

This description is considered one of the obstacles that stand in the way of peace in Yemen. Because the perception of “civil war” allows the countries of aggression to evade the responsibility of taking the necessary steps to end the war, which is to stop the aggression, lift the siege, withdraw foreign forces and pay compensation.

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