Al-Bukhaiti: We’re serious about seeking peace and ready for all possibilities

Member of the Political Bureau of Ansar Allah, Governor of Dhamar Governorate, Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti, confirmed that Sanaa is serious in seeking a just peace agreement, but the intransigence of the US-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition and its sponsors may lead to an explosion of the situation and a return to escalation, warning that any next round of escalation will be different from all the previous stages.

Al-Bukhaiti wrote on his account on Twitter that Sanaa “would like to reach an agreement leading to lifting the siege and enabling the people to benefit from their wealth.”

Sanaa adheres to the demands of the Yemeni people, represented by the need to pay the salaries of state employees from oil and gas revenues, lift the blockade on airports and ports, and address all aspects of the humanitarian file, in order to pave the way for a comprehensive solution, but the countries of the aggression coalition and their Western sponsors are trying to circumvent these demands, and impose a state of “no war and no peace” to buy some time to rearrange their ranks.

Al-Bukhaiti explained that matters may turn to the military phase in the event that the aggression countries refuse to implement the demands of the Yemeni people.

He warned that “the next war will be different from what preceded it; Because it will be a war of depths,” stressing that “Sanaa is ready for all possibilities.”

During the past periods, Sanaa had sent several strong warnings to the countries of the aggression coalition and their sponsors regarding the consequences of missing the opportunity for peace and rejecting the demands of the Yemeni people.

In this context, the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abd al-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, had confirmed that if the enemy went towards escalation, Sanaa would respond with a stronger and broader response than what was witnessed in the past stages of the war.

The Ministry of Defense indicated earlier that the naval battle will be a priority in the next stage in the event that the aggression coalition and its sponsors insist on continuing intransigence and pushing for escalation.

The governor of Aden governorate in the National Salvation Government had indicated a few days ago that the aggression coalition is trying to buy some time to circumvent the demands of the Yemeni people.

However, many observers believe that the countries of the aggression coalition have reached a conviction of the futility of continuing the war and the siege, and have come to realize that any upcoming escalation will have widespread repercussions and regional and international impacts.

Observers believe that the realization of this fact by some parties to the aggression may push them towards a peace agreement to avoid the repercussions of the continuation of the war.

On the other hand, the governor of Dhamar, Al-Bakhiti, warned the mercenary factions of aggression against the consequences of relying on Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, indicating that Riyadh and Abu Dhabi only care about their interests.

Al-Bukhaiti said in a tweet, “All those involved with the aggression must realize that Saudi Arabia and the Emirates act according to their interests, not according to their promises, and the UAE loss in removing the transitional government was compensated by empowering the Afafish at the expense of the Brotherhood.”

The pace of the conflict between the mercenary factions has escalated during the past days, against the backdrop of the expansion of the influence of the militias loyal to the Emirates, at the expense of the mercenaries of the Islah Party (the Muslim Brotherhood), which shows the fact that the countries of aggression are ready to abandon their tools at a time when they see that this is in their interest.

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