Unprecedented Outrage in Yemen: A Call for Action Against Foreign Occupation

The calls for popular action to expel foreign forces from Yemen have escalated in response to the increasing crimes and violations committed by the soldiers of the American-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition and their mercenaries against citizens in the occupied provinces. The latest of these crimes was the invasion of a house of an activist in Hadramout province and violation of its sanctity, completely disregarding all values, morals, and human customs. This has sparked a widespread wave of popular, political, and human rights anger, emphasizing the need to work on liberating the occupied areas and confronting the invading forces by all means.

Shocking Violation of Homes and Women’s Sanctity:

Last week, activists circulated a shocking video that showed elements of enemy forces and their mercenaries invading the house of a journalist named Mujahid Al-Hayqi in a blatant criminal manner. The soldiers entered Al-Hayqi’s bedroom despite his pleas for them to wait for him to dress and not to violate the sanctity of his wife and children, whose cries could be heard during the invasion. The video showed the soldiers attempting to assault Al-Hayqi’s wife as she pleaded with them not to approach her.

Local sources stated that this documented invasion was part of a series of raids carried out by Saudi-Emirati occupation forces and their mercenaries on many citizens’ homes and activists that night. This was in response to their criticism of the treacherous authority there and their demands for services that the province lacks under the control of enemy forces and their mercenaries.

Widespread Calls for Action Against Occupiers and Their Tools:

The governor of Hadramout province in the national authority, General Luqman Baras, confirmed to “Al-Masirah” that “the invasion incident is not the first of its kind, but it was preceded by many violations during previous stages.” He explained that “these crimes come in an attempt to silence voices so as not to move against occupation forces,” as well as “paving the way for establishing occupation and continuing to plunder national wealth.”

Baras called on “all tribes of Hadramout to stand united against the American-British-backed Saudi-Emirati occupation,” stressing that “there are no solutions except for the expulsion of occupying forces from Yemen.” He added that “the current stage is decisive and there must be action taken against occupiers.”

Similarly, Aden Governor Tariq Salam called on all sons of occupied provinces “to organize and crystallize a concerted effort to take to the streets and confront occupation by all available means,” pointing out the need to “unify efforts against the common enemy of the Yemeni people, which is occupation violating Yemeni humanity.”

A Long Record of Abusing Citizens:

The crime of invading homes in Hadramout joins a long record of similar violations committed by enemy forces and their mercenaries against citizens in several occupied provinces. In April 2020, activists documented testimonies from displaced people from Al-Hodeidah who confirmed that elements from enemy mercenaries invaded their camp in Dar Saad area in occupied Aden province and raped several women after arresting men on charges of “espionage.”

In February 2021, a woman died in mercenary prisons in Marib under torture after being kidnapped by mercenaries from Al-Islah party along with several family members from their home on similar charges.

Taiz city and areas under mercenary control on the west coast have witnessed many crimes involving home invasions, assaults on women, kidnappings, as well as genocide crimes and forced displacement.

These blatant crimes clearly demonstrate the step-by-step project of enemies and their mercenaries, emphasizing everyone’s responsibility to liberate all Yemeni lands and regions in defense of Yemeni human dignity.

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