A New Dawn for Taiz: President Al-Mashat Announces Initiative to End Military Conflict

In a significant move towards peace and stability, His Excellency Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, President of the Supreme Political Council, has announced a groundbreaking initiative to cease all military fronts in Taiz Governorate. This initiative aims to foster stability in the governorate and prevent further conflict.

During an extensive meeting held in Taiz Governorate, President Al-Mashat emphasized the importance of community participation in planning and implementing services. The initiative is designed to halt all military fronts, neutralize the governorate, and establish a joint management system for Taiz Governorate.

President Al-Mashat expressed his deep appreciation for the people of Taiz who have been actively involved in various fronts across the provinces of the Yemeni Republic. These fronts span a wide range of areas including education, culture, construction, and renaissance.

However, President Al-Mashat also highlighted the challenges faced by Taiz. He noted that the governorate, known for its culture and creativity, has been targeted to exhaust its ambitious state. Despite their significant contributions to building the country, the people of Taiz continue to be targeted.

“We have been closely monitoring the situation in the governorate since the first day of aggression,” said President Al-Mashat. “Despite our best efforts to prevent conflict in the governorate, our attempts were unfortunately met with refusal.”

President Al-Mashat further added that they had dealt positively with all attempts made by many good people to avoid conflict and wars in Taiz Governorate. However, he noted that there has been a negative exploitation of the existing situation inside Taiz city due to poor management and implementation of enemy agendas.

He stated that there is a keen interest from the enemy in maintaining chaos within areas under its control and destroying everything on their way. “From here we prove that they are bidders and they do not care about citizens’ affairs but only exploit citizens’ conditions,” he said.

In light of these challenges, President Al-Mashat announced this initiative that aims to end all military fronts from all parties, stabilize the governorate and avoid conflict. He urged the people of Taiz not to wait for a seller’s keenness or a mercenary’s concern for homeland.

President Al-Mashat emphasized that the solution lies in proper evaluation of the past period. “Nine years are sufficient and more than enough to reach an inevitable result for anyone with minimal thinking or feeling that there is no solution except by unifying everyone’s word and position,” he said.

In conclusion, His Excellency President Al-Mashat stated: “We are facing an enemy who only respects strength. Strength is created by unity of position and cohesion of word as you are honorable people in Taiz Governorate.”

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