The Collapse of American Dominance: The Red Sea Alliance’s Failure Against Yemen

The international magazine “Eurasia Review” reported on Monday that the American-led coalition in the Red Sea has failed to counter the Yemeni front supporting Gaza. The magazine attributed this failure primarily to the collapse of American dominance.

In an editorial titled “The Failure of the Red Sea Alliance and the Fall of American Dominance,” the magazine emphasized that the United States has strongly and responsibly supported Israel, which is slaughtering the inhabitants of Gaza, by providing it with massive quantities of weapons and diplomatic support. The silence of the Western world and the inaction of the Arab world towards this genocide have driven the Yemenis to resist these human rights violations by targeting ships associated with Israel.

According to the magazine, the White House attempted to negotiate indirectly with the Houthi supporters through Omani mediation. The United States offered a list of incentives, such as reopening Sana’a airport and Hodeidah port and paying government employees’ salaries, to stop the attacks in the Red Sea. However, Yemen rejected all proposals and declared that it would not stop targeting ships serving Israeli interests until the killing of civilians in Gaza stops.

The magazine added that the United States, which failed to convince the Yemenis, also failed to form a coalition against Yemen by militarizing the region and inviting Arab countries. This was convenient for the United States, as it could distance itself from the war between Israel and Hamas and present the issue as a matter related to the security of shipping in the Red Sea.

Washington’s allies in Europe and the Arab world did not welcome its invitation to participate, and the alliance, which was supposed to include 42 countries, shrank to just eight.

The magazine saw that the failure of the alliance has many reasons, but the most important reason is the collapse of the American dominance system. It said that the United States has followed contradictory policies in the region and exposed the security of its allies to danger; for this reason, countries such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt refused to join the alliance.

It pointed out that even the UAE hesitated to join the alliance; because it suffered a lot from the war in Yemen. According to the magazine, Egypt also, despite its heavy reliance on the Bab al-Mandab, “chose not to give up its security interests” and refused to join the American alliance.

The magazine saw that the other reason that makes Arab countries hesitant to join the alliance is that they see in it assistance to Israel at the expense of Arab interests. The Arab elites believe that Washington could have ended the siege imposed on Gaza diplomatically after Yemen targeted Israeli ships in the Red Sea, but the White House chose to risk the security of its allies by using military force to defend Israel’s interests.

The magazine said that the Biden administration is alienating its allies in the region by supporting Israel unconditionally and ignoring the needs of the Middle East.

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