Yemeni Official Declares Unrestricted War Following Israeli Aggression

Mohammed Abdul Salam, head of the Yemeni national delegation, announced that the Israeli aggression on Yemen has altered the dynamics of the conflict, turning the war into an open-ended battle that is no longer bound by any laws or considerations, even if the fighting in Gaza ceases.

“The battle has taken a different course, and the nature and level of our response will be determined by the battle’s conditions, including the quantity and targets,” Abdul Salam stated. “There can be no safe zones or facilities with red lines; all targets will be accessible and within reach.”

Abdul Salam emphasized that the Israeli aggression on Yemen, aimed at changing the negative image it has resulting from their criminal aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza, has opened a continuous and ongoing war. This war will persist until the Yemeni people can punish the enemy and respond to their criminal aggression.

He added, “The Israeli enemy is trying to expand the conflict zone, surpassing known engagement circles. Yemen’s stance in support of the Palestinian people in a battle concerning the entire nation means that Yemen will directly respond to the Israeli aggression. The war will not just be under the banner of support but will also continue targeting the Israeli depth with all possible means available to the Yemeni army.”

When asked about the escalation calculations in this confrontation and their potential outcomes, Abdul Salam responded, “The escalation calculations are clear; the Israelis, by targeting purely civilian facilities like electricity plants, fuel tanks, and a port serving millions of Yemenis, have descended into an immoral battle reflecting their known image of killing innocents.”

He continued, “The Yemeni armed forces consistently state that those areas deep within the enemy are no longer safe. They should expect a response at any moment and at any time. Engaging with the Yemeni people will not be easy or simple. We will not adhere to specific engagement rules, and the issue will not be linked to Gaza, whether the aggression there stops or not. The battle with Israel has become open-ended, long-term, and far-reaching. Our Yemeni people have great endurance and a cause; we will not accept any conditional response.”

A New Path

Regarding the boundaries of the confrontation, which are no longer as they were before, Abdul Salam clarified, “The confrontation has become open-ended and without limits, and it will be long-term with full support, according to the existing engagement equation and deep strikes.” He confirmed that “the aggression on Yemen will change the equation; the war today has become open with the Israeli entity, unrestrained and not committed to any laws or considerations, even if the battle in Gaza stops. The aggression on Yemen will enter a different path than the current one.”

Addressing American threats, Abdul Salam explained that they are no longer potential but actual; the Americans launched aggression on Yemen, labeled many Yemenis as terrorists, conducted political operations, and killed Yemenis by all available means, including economic warfare and closing Sana’a airport. “What is there left to fear?” he asked.

“They practiced all types of killing, all forms of empowerment, all kinds of blockade. Therefore, we do not believe there is any new equation on the scene today except what will reflect back on them. As for us, our position is clear, our stance is just, and we are moving in a just cause. Our support for the Palestinian people is a duty,” Abdul Salam added.

He affirmed that “the Yemeni people are ready and capable today, by Allah’s will, to bear all consequences. Yemen, which has endured nine years of war and nine months of supporting the Palestinian people, has managed to multiply its capabilities, creating an ascending situation for many reasons, including the justice of the cause, popular resilience, and the broad Yemeni, Arab, and Islamic solidarity, which has stood by Yemen in its just battle against the Zionist entity.”

No Safe Zones Anymore

Regarding the nature of the expected response, Abdul Salam said, “We believe that the manner, nature, level, and direction of the response will be determined by the battle’s nature and conditions, whether in terms of quantity, capabilities, or targets. But nothing is safe anymore after they targeted the essential civilian infrastructure in Yemen. There will be nothing safe in ‘Israel’ either; there can be no facility with a red line, and all targets will be accessible and within reach. We warn and clarify to all in those areas that they should realize these have become targets to avoid civilian casualties. We are not like the Israelis who commit massacres; we announce our operations clearly, notify ships to divert, and declare that Jaffa, Tel Aviv, and Eilat are unsafe areas. Civilians should stay away from these sites to allow the Yemeni army to select the timing, location, mechanism, and capability to reach them.”

Regarding areas civilians should avoid, Abdul Salam stated, “All sensitive facilities at various levels and roles, with their economic and military impact, and everything related to the Israeli entity supporting the aggression on Gaza, Yemen, and the region militarily, politically, and economically, will have a direct impact in response.”

On achieving the strategic goals of Yemeni military operations, Abdul Salam explained, “Our primary goal is to protect and defend the oppressed Palestinian people, whom many regional regimes ignore, failing to listen to the cries of children or respond adequately. This just cause makes us believe that the primary goal achieved is that the Yemeni people stood firm before Allah and the oppressed and vulnerable Palestinians. They reconciled with their conscience, stood true to their Arab and Islamic ethical affiliation, and today, the Yemeni people are proud of this confrontation, rallying in millions every week. We are not in a state of regret, deficiency, or submission, nor will we retreat before any fires here or there. On the contrary, these fires will ignite all Yemenis to move vigorously against American arrogance. The direct Israeli aggression on Yemen will prove Yemen’s significant, influential, and serious role in confronting the Israeli entity and sincerely supporting the oppressed Palestinian people.”

Concerning Yemen’s military and non-military capabilities to continue the long-term war, Abdul Salam affirmed, “Yemen has leadership, willpower, moral, faith-based, and humanitarian principles, as well as military capabilities. We work tirelessly on military development, armament, and progress in all fields to continue this prolonged battle. There is willpower, leadership, an army, and people, and with reliance on Allah, development, and perseverance, we will achieve victory by Allah’s will.”

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