
40 air strikes on four provinces ,95 breaches in Hodeidah

The American Saudi-led aggression coalition’s warplanes waged on Saturday 40 air strikes on four Yemeni provinces and theaggression coalition and its mercenaries carried out 95 violations against the UN-brokered ceasefire in Hodeidah…

55 Recorded Violations by US-Saudi Aggression in Hodeidah

The Liaison and Coordination Officers’ Operations Room, which monitors violations of the Stockholm Agreement and Ceasefire in Hodeidah, reported 55 violations staged by US-Saudi forces and mercenaries during the past 24 hours. The source…

Yemen’s Economy, Years of Systematic Destruction

The economy of Yemen has recorded a rapid deterioration, since the Saudi-led aggression waged war on the country in late March 2015, which negatively affected the lives of citizens. But the economic war on Yemen has taken on a more fierce…

It’s Not Just Trump, The World Worries America Is Broken

For more than three years, many of America’s closest allies have comforted themselves with the thought that Donald Trump’s populist presidency was a historical aberration, and that the United States would ultimately return to its democratic…

The hostile jets launch raids on Amran

The American Saudi-led aggression coalition warplane launched three strikes on Amran province on Friday, an official told said. The warplanes launched a strike on Ashmyah area of Harf-Sufyan district and two airstrikes on…

38 airstrikes on al-Jawf, Marib, al-Bayda, and Hajjah

The American Saudi-led aggression coalition’s fighter jets launched on Thursday evening 39 air strikes on four Yemeni provinces over the past hours, a security source said.. The aircrafts waged 15 air strikes on Radman and al-Sawadia…

Trump Renews Threat to Cut Ties with China

S President Donald Trump has renewed his threat to sever relations with China, saying Washington could pursue a “complete decoupling from” Beijing. His threat on Thursday came a day after US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer told…

DW: Yemen’s dead and injured children haunt Saudi-led war

Just one day after the UN Secretariat omitted Saudi-led forces from a “list of shame,” an airstrike killed four children. The UN is under pressure to acknowledge Saudi Arabia’s role in killing and maiming children. UN Secretary-General…