تصفح الوسم


Statistics of 1800 days of aggression against Yemen

Ain al-Insania "eye of humanity" Center for Human Rights and Development revealed the latest toll of the victims of the brutal American-Emirati aggression against Yemen within 1800 days. The Center stated in a report issued today…

Saudi-led aggression’s bombing hit a child in Hodeidah

A child was seriously wounded on Tuesday due to the US-Saudi aggression’s bombing on Hodeidah province, a security source said. The child was injured when the mercenaries bombarded al-Manqam village, the source added. From the…

Prestige of Western weapons falls apart in Yemen

Saudi-led coalition’s “Tornado” plane collapsed over Jawf province after it was hit on Friday by a missile from the Yemeni air defenses system, announcing the fall of the Western weapon prestige in Yemen, which represented the spearhead of…

Saudi-led warplanes launched a series of raids on Sana’a

The US-Saudi aggression warplanes launched nine airstrikes on Nihm district of Sanaa province, a military source said on Saturday. On Friday, brute aviation also launched three raids on Baqim district of Saada province, other three raids…

At least 21 Airstrikes Target Several Yemeni Provinces

The US-Saudi aggression warplanes stepped up its airstrikes on several Yemeni provinces, its forces continued to violate the ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah during the past 24 hours. In Hodeidah, the aggression's forces used heavy…
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